
Showing posts from May, 2010


First of all, Happy Memorial Day! I'm so thankful to have been born in America. We are so fortunate--and I am so thankful to the people who make America the country that it is (through their sacrifice and service). ************* I logged onto the computer the other day and CNN's homepage had a feature story on happiness: * What is it? * What causes it? * Is it lasting? * Is it worth pursuing--or just a random event? * How can we get it? One of the people interviewed in the article was Deepak Chopra. And I really do love Deepak Chopra!  (His name just sounds peaceful!) Here are the conditions he listed as leading to happiness. And I just loved it, so I thought I would share.  (And yes, now I'm going to do yoga, read the list, and grab my tie-dyed shirt with a peace sign!) What kinds of choices and values lead to real happiness? -- Meditation, which opens up deeper levels of the mind. -- Actions that benefit others. -- Social relationships that support intimac...


So last week I was changing a light bulb in our bathroom, and I had to stand on top of the countertop to do it. Once I got up there I realized, "wow, it would be weird to be this tall . . .  everything looks different from this perspective." And that's when it hit me. I had my own Lost sideways world flashback. Suddenly I heard Robin Williams saying, "Oh Captain, My Captian!" And I swear I've never seen Dead Poets Society. Or if I did, it didn't "click" like it should have. (I didn't get the message.) Well, I finally got it. Right there in the bathroom while I was changing the lightbulb. And it's made me think. A lot. It's good to see things from different perspectives. (Literally and metaphorically, from different places.) So we've been moving furniture and getting haircuts--changing perspectives--like there's no manana. Who knew how good that would feel, kind of like jumping into cold water when...
This Week in Photos on Hysteria Lane . . . We learned a thing or two about South Dakota. (Ask Jr anything about South Dakota. I dare ya.) Camry got her braces. Woo hoo! (And the rubber bands glow in the dark. Which makes me feel like I got my braces in the Dark Ages. Brackets on each tooth? Come on Dr. Chanda--that's a little barbaric, no?) We named our houseplants. Janae and Shelby can name plants by their genus, species . . . everything. Me? I'm just glad I remembered that we're organized into genuses and species-us. Anyway, my point! We decided to name all of the plants this week. It's hilarious how fun and helpful it's been. Now we can say, "Did you water Larry?" Plant names include: Larry, London, Landon, Puss in Pots, Lucy, Madonna, Lilo, Donkey and Leo. P and Elle made these "for fun." I feel like the least creative person on the planet. I promise you, I never look at marshmallows and think, "these would make great arms on an orange....

Don't Let a Frown Drive Into Your Town

It's funny how some days (for me, last Sunday), you can feel like you have life wired. And then just a few days later, all heck can break loose--and you're left wondering how you even tied your shoes without someone's help! Today was one of THOSE days for me. You know what I'm talking about: a day when just everything seems difficult, crappy, blue, hard, silly, ridiculous, and LONG! One of THOSE days! Argh! (And say it like a pirate, please.) Here's what the day seemed like to perfect little m e: Dave was cranky. The kids were cranky. The pets were cranky. The weather was gloomy. The house felt stale. The shower was cold. The clothes were all in the dirty laundry. My only clean jeans were snug (I'm sure b/c I've eat a 1lb loaf of bread every day for the last 36 days!). And to top it all off, Jr.'s South Dakota report had sucked the last 3 ounces of life from my soul. (Curse you, South Dakota!) I'm talking about one crappy day, ...

Happy Belated Birthday, Debi!

Forgive me, Debi D! I don't have any idea how I missed your bday! I mean, I really can't believe I missed it. And not by a few days. Not by a few weeks. By a few months! "What the honk?" to quote Debi herself. Debi, please forgive me. I love you more than The Pioneer Woman loves her luggage. More than Lucy loved Ricky. More than Ozzy loves Harriet! Thank you for being a friend, sister, neighbor, my own personal Oprah, and a down-right inspiration. I hope you had a WONDERFUL Birthday (on March 24th, no less). And now, your belated Bday acrostic: D elightful, daring, and da most creative person I know! E verytime I see you, you make me smile. Every. Time. B ig heart (WHO answers the door for every guest?)? I love your guts.


We'll update more in a few hours . . . off to get Camry's braces on! Woo hoo!

Can You French Braid Bread?

NEWSFLASH: IT IS SNOWINGGGGGGGGGGGGG! (7:31am, May 24) I made my first bread braid yesterday: a sour cream and berry danish. It was really fun to do, though I think I've got to make a few more before I feel comfortable giving them away. (Thanks to Debi, Mary and Ang for being willing to try them. I realize now that when people thank friends and family in the preface to their books, they really are saying THANK YOU. It takes a lot of revision to make something "good." And baking bread is teaching me that--the hard way. It's not easy to work on something for 12-20 hours only to have it be "okay." Dear heaven that's humbling.) PS: It's raining. (Shocked?)

Warning: Cheesy Post Ahead

Kaya and Chase-the-Cat (in a red sweater that he hates). OMGoodness that's funny. (Taken this morning.) It's almost a month until my 40th birthday. And while that event doesn't seem all that monumental to me, I think turning 40 is kind of significant. In a lot of ways, I feel like my whole life has been leading up to now. Maybe that has something to do with trying to be "present" and not think too much about the future or the past--so RIGHT NOW seems really exciting and important? I don't know what it is? But whatever it is, I don't remember ever feeling this kind of nervous energy about life before. I don't mean a nervous energy in a negative sense (although if I do get hit by a bus tomorrow, you can all go back to this post and confirm that I had ESP--it just wasn't fine-tuned). What I'm saying is, for the most part, I feel an excitment or joy or happiness now that I don't remember feeling much before. And before you say,...

Pies-n-Thighs (A Great Restaurant Name!)

Ever since my friend/former professor/coworker, Gary, passed away, I noticed I've been eating a lot of dessert. I mean A LOT! I think his passing has really made me take to heart the temporary-ness of our time here on Planet E.  The preciousness of every day. Each moment. Now for some people that epiphany would probably motivate them to go back to college, open a business, try a new hair color, run a marathon, etc. Not me. For me, it makes me want to eat dessert. Whenever I want. Apparently that's something I needed permission to do. The dessert example is silly, but I guess what I'm saying is that Gary's passing has given me permission to live my life a little more fully. I can eat a whole pie if I want to. And so can YOU!   So there. (PS: I loved--and miss--the show Pushing Daisies.)

Shrek the Third

I'm not a big movie goer (Which is funny because I married someone who loves movies),but I am excited to see Shrek the Third in 3D tonight. PS: It's a good thing I'm not a big movie goer--because with 6 kids, that's ONE PRICEY "date." PS2: I just love that ogre. PSS: Puss in Boots reminds me of our cat Fahjdi. (RIP buddy.) (Maybe we should get a pet donkey. LOL!) Oh--and it's Jonah's last day of his Freshman Year of High School. Woo hoo!

Dorothy Lee and ME

On Tuesday Camry and I went to the Dollar Store. Ever since I found these Chinese Marshmallow Poles there, I can't help myself. I feel like I'm going on a treasure hunt each time I go! (PS: How come Americans didn't invent the marshmallow pole? Really, it's AWESOME!) Okay, so my point. I'm going along my merry way Tuesday, combing the aisles of the Dollar Store, when I see a woman filling her cart with boxes and boxes of something. And being the curious person that I am, I decide to go down the aisle and check out her "treasure." Heck, for all I know, the marshmallow pole is just the tip of the Chinese candy iceberg. So as I get closer, I see the woman filling her cart with some off-brand Oreos. "Blech," I think to myself. I can't stand REAL Oreos, I'm sure as heck not going to buy off-brand Oreos. I've got SOME standards, people. And that's when it happened: I looked at the shelf in front of me and immediately ...

A Very Important Date

Today is a really special day! It's the 20 year anniversary of my baptism (Wow! Makes me feel old.) (Love you Lang and Huck families--for sharing the good news with me. Tee hee.) And, it's Aunt Beth's Birthday! Happy Birthday, Beth! We love you! And to show you our love, we've written a Birthday acrostic in your honor. LOVE YOU! B eautiful smile. E veryone loves you. (Camry's ready to ask you to be her big sister.) T he most thoughtful Aunt (cards on our bdays with cash? I've got big "aunt" shoes to fill, Beth!) H appiest when she's with her boys! Have a great day, Beth!

License to Gripe

So last night Dave and I were talking in bed when I realized that I've been really kind of stressed lately. Life's just been a little hard. Not like I need a Hallmark sympathy card. Life's been good too. It's just been filled with some extra funky, silly, different, and difficult things lately. And, given that I'm a major "mind over over" kind of person, I get bothered when I'm bothered. Does that make sense? In other words, it stresses me out when I'm stressed. Anyway, back to my point! As I sat there ranting to Dave about my stress, it suddenly hit me: THIS IS FUNNY. The way you're behaving is funny. I was able to see myself as if I weren't myself--kind of like I was observing someone else having this life experience/making these choices/etc. And I have to tell you, it was a kind of a liberating thing to do: to look at myself as an outsider. I had a lot more compassion for myself about all of the things going on.--...

Leaky Pipes and CaptainS UnderwearS

  So last Thursday a city utility truck drives down our street and makes a sudden stop at our curbside.  (I catch this from the corner of my eye because I'm making my 2,355th loaf of bread, staring out the kitchen window as this happens.) A few minutes later, our doorbell rings. It's a "city worker." We'll call him Peter. Peter is from our city water department. He's a meter reader. (Get it, Peter the meter reader? I couldn't resist. It's an old 80s song.) After Peter gives me his credentials and intro, I can't help but think, "When did meter readers get trucks?" In Calfornia those guys walked their routes--armed with golf clubs (to ward off cranky german shepards). (And they were guys--no gals reading meters in 1981.) Second internal thought: Doesn't anyone walk anymore? Door-to-door salespeople? Nope. Postal carriers? Nope. They all have cars. I'm telling you, no government/city employee walks in Utah. Conspiracy.) Oka...

Must Have Heat

I'm not really a complainer. I'm not. It usually bugs the garbage out of me when people complain. Even when there's reason to complain. BUT. I'm just sayin': BRING ON THE HEAT. I'm not talking sunshine. Not "less rain." HEAT. As in HELIO. SUN. SOLAR. Ahora mismo. Por favor.

Laughing Horse

Sure, when I ace a math test I feel great. And sure, when I fit into a pair of small jeans I feel great. And yes, I love seeing my kids smile and enjoy life--that feels great. BUT . . . nothing . . . NOTHING . . . feels better than when I'm laughing. I could seriously pay someone just to make me laugh all day. I love how troubles go away when you laugh. I love how you feel united with other people when you laugh. And I love how your stomach aches when you laugh too much (exercise . . . hello !). So, with that in mind, here are some of this week's "Things That Made Me Laugh on Hysteria Lane": 1. Tuesday's Glee episode when Sue Sylvester yelled at another teacher, "Move before I kick you in the taco!" (What in the crap? That is funny.) 2. Seeing the look on our indoor cat's face after spending a long cold night outside. (He was SO MAD. So. MAD.) 3. Jonah and Ray doing P90X each night this week. (Not a mocking laughter her...

Mother's Day

Thanks Dave and kids: I really had a great Mother's Day. I loved the cards, flowers, and the awesome apron (50-inch ties--woo hoo!) And Jonah and Dave, your ribs were 'smarvelous! XOXO to the moon and back everyone. (PS: Camry made that corsage. Isn't that amazing?)

An Amazing Mom: Stephanie Nielson's Video/New Life

I read her blog everyday--and love her. Happy Mother's Day to my mom, Dave's mom, Grandmas, and all of our kids' special birthmoms. I feel really blessed today. My New Life

Mother's Day and Stephanie Nielson

My New Life

Happy Mother's Day!

Well, I wish I could have written about my trip, but I'm under a gag order of sorts. LOL! Hopefully one day I will be able to give all of the details. In the meantime, here's a little photo I am able to share--from the return flight. This little guy's name is Koby. And he was coming to SLC for Game 3 of the Lakers vs. Jazz. Is that hilarious? And most IMPORTANTLY! thanks to Dave for taking care of everyone while I was gone. (And watering the plants/veggies, doing the kids' hair for Crazy Hair Day, taking them to see Iron Man 2, doing tacos for Cinco de Mayo, and picking me up at the airport--with a flower! You are my superhero. Love you!) AND . . . to Neola and Heather for going to Mother's Day activities for the girls. That meant sooooooooo much to me (and the girls). We love you both so much! And to all of the special moms in our lives: Mary, Joanne, Lorraine, La, Candace, Melissa, Amy and Ruby, we love love love love love you. Thank you for being such s...

Where's Waldo?

Primero: Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Y ahora . . . Hysteria Lane update: Fueled by a new desire to "live like I'm dying"--I've agreed to go on an unexpected trip this morning. Yes, THIS morning! This is SO unlike me. (Honestly, the last time I went on a trip solo was 2 years ago.) I'm not sure I'll be able to blog while I'm away; it's an adventure, of sorts. (If I am able to blog, I will post some photos and see if we can make a contest out of it. Kind of a "Where's Waldo/Dawn?" contest.) I return Saturday--and promise to blog then. Please say a prayer for Dave and the "babies" while I'm gone. I'm definitely leaving them short-staffed, and I am just really thankful they are supporting me. Thanks guys! (OH! And please be sure to water the tomato plants! But not on the dining room table--it will leave water rings!) Enjoy this beautiful day wherever you may be, friends!

LIVING and LOVING Every Minute of This LIFE

This Saturday my good friend (and mentor) at BYU,  Gary Hatch, died of a pulmonary embolism. He was in his early 40s. (And there was no warning.) Just. Like. That. I'm so shocked. I'm so sad. And even with all of my outward faith and trust in the Lord, I'm left wondering Why?Why? Why? WHY?! If anyone was deserving of a long, full, spoiled life, it was Gary Hatch . I could scream, I'm so mad. Yet . . . amidst the chaos of this sadness, and the wandering of my mind, I keep coming back to this thought, "Stop asking why. You're asking the wrong question, Dawn." Now, I don't want to be dramatic (well, actually I do)--and I don't know if this is the Ghost of Christmas Past, my mind, or the Holy Spirit--but something, some feeling, keeps urging me to change my focus. Everytime I get ready to doubt the purpose of life, of God, something keeps reminding me to change my thought and literally  "Choose ye this day whom ye will...

Tantrum Yoga

So one of my New Year's Resolutions for 2010 was to practice yoga. Now when I made this resolution/commitment, I wasn't thinking, "get some cool yoga pants and find a yogi." No, I was just thinking, "grab a DVD, get up each morning, try to create a space for calm for yourself. Oh! And try to be more bendy." (For some reason, I like the idea of being  Gumby. You know, from Gumby and Pokey ? Bendy like that .) Well, I'm here to give you an update on that resolution . I'm tanking at it right now . (Maybe I should have bought the cool yoga pants and found myself a yogi or guru.) You see, I'm just not making it a priority. I'm finding 2.8 million excuses as to why I can't do it each day. Here are a few of them: -- There's no time. (For me. Ever. Is anybody listening?) --Everyone is asleep and I'll wake them up once I start the DVD. --I want to shower first. --I don't want to shower first. --This carpet smells lik...

Mastering the Double-Swirl!

I know everyone's probably getting a little tired of the bread-talk over here on Hysteria Lane . . . so I'm redesigning my blog and making an extra tab/section just for my bread baking obsession (in addition to one on adoption, big earrings, and such). The changes should be up in a week or so. I'm so excited! Woo hoo! But in the meantime . . . let's talk bread! Cinnamon Swirl Bread to be exact! You see, I learned how to do a "double swirl" cinnamon bread recipe this weekend. (We'll, I'd done it before, but it didn't look like I'd wanted it to.) It's SOOOOOOOO fun! It takes a little longer to work this dough, but the payoff is so worth it. When we cut into that loaf and saw the swirls, I thought I might cry. Not kidding. Oh! And local peeps--I really REALLY do need some taste-testers. I'm considering taking the bread-making to the next level (and possibly selling some of it locally). (It's either that OR find a w...