So last week I was changing a light bulb in our bathroom, and I had to stand on top of the countertop to do it.

Once I got up there I realized, "wow, it would be weird to be this tall . . .  everything looks different from this perspective."

And that's when it hit me.

I had my own Lost sideways world flashback.

Suddenly I heard Robin Williams saying, "Oh Captain, My Captian!"

And I swear I've never seen Dead Poets Society.

Or if I did, it didn't "click" like it should have. (I didn't get the message.)

Well, I finally got it.

Right there in the bathroom while I was changing the lightbulb.

And it's made me think. A lot.

It's good to see things from different perspectives. (Literally and metaphorically, from different places.)

So we've been moving furniture and getting haircuts--changing perspectives--like there's no manana.

Who knew how good that would feel, kind of like jumping into cold water when you were expecting warm water.

I like it!

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