Tantrum Yoga

So one of my New Year's Resolutions for 2010 was to practice yoga.

Now when I made this resolution/commitment, I wasn't thinking, "get some cool yoga pants and find a yogi."

No, I was just thinking, "grab a DVD, get up each morning, try to create a space for calm for yourself. Oh! And try to be more bendy." (For some reason, I like the idea of being  Gumby. You know, from Gumby and Pokey? Bendy like that.)

Well, I'm here to give you an update on that resolution.

I'm tanking at it right now. (Maybe I should have bought the cool yoga pants and found myself a yogi or guru.)

You see, I'm just not making it a priority. I'm finding 2.8 million excuses as to why I can't do it each day. Here are a few of them:

--There's no time. (For me. Ever. Is anybody listening?)
--Everyone is asleep and I'll wake them up once I start the DVD.
--I want to shower first.
--I don't want to shower first.
--This carpet smells like dogS (yes, more than one dog).
--I don't even know if I'm doing the poses right.

But despite my lack of progress AND my bad attitude, I'm still pretty sure this is a goal/commitment/resolution I NEED to keep.

So, I'm doing my best to recommit to the yoga goal . . . today.

I'm hitting the reset button, so-to-speak.

Because you see, it turns out that being the mother of 6 isn't as easy as it looks on the Brady Bunch. (Where in the heck is Alice? Probably still visiting that butcher.)

(SAM! That's his name! Curse you, Sam!)

(I know. Get to the point.)

My point!

I think I am cranky. Well, crankier than I should be.

I think I'm being a little like a toddler lately, throwing "tantrums" in my head (and in life) when things aren't going like I have planned.

In other words, I'm just not managing stress very well--on the whole (on the part, I rock).

So, I'm recommitting to yoga today.

I want to be bendy by the time I turn 40 (end of June).

Wish me luck!

Go Gumby!

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