Happy Belated Birthday, Debi!

Forgive me, Debi D!

I don't have any idea how I missed your bday!

I mean, I really can't believe I missed it.

And not by a few days.

Not by a few weeks.

By a few months!

"What the honk?" to quote Debi herself.

Debi, please forgive me. I love you more than The Pioneer Woman loves her luggage. More than Lucy loved Ricky. More than Ozzy loves Harriet!

Thank you for being a friend, sister, neighbor, my own personal Oprah, and a down-right inspiration.

I hope you had a WONDERFUL Birthday (on March 24th, no less).

And now, your belated Bday acrostic:

Delightful, daring, and da most creative person I know!
Everytime I see you, you make me smile. Every. Time.
Big heart (WHO answers the door for every guest?)?
I love your guts.

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