Hitting the Reset Button
Our kids with Heather at her wedding on Saturday night. (We were neighbors for 6+ years and we love her guts.) I look at this p icture and think, " Wow, life really is amazing and beaut iful." But to be honest, there's a reason I haven't been blogging lately : L i fe has been hard -- super hard . And that's made it hard for me to journal/blog. You see, I'm usually a really po sitiv e person , b ut lately I've had a hard time SEEING and genuinely feeling positive. I know it's just the roller coaster of life : --You win so me; you lose some. --You've got the world on a string; the world has YO U on a string. -- One day you have immunity; the next day you're on the chopping bl ock. --Etc., etc., etc.) . . . B ut it's sti ll hard and that's a bu mmer. (Ca n I get an Amen? Amen ! ) So there. That's the vague, yet genuine truth : w hen life is super hard, I don't have a ton of motivation to