Pies-n-Thighs (A Great Restaurant Name!)

Ever since my friend/former professor/coworker, Gary, passed away, I noticed I've been eating a lot of dessert.

I mean A LOT!

I think his passing has really made me take to heart the temporary-ness of our time here on Planet E.  The preciousness of every day. Each moment.

Now for some people that epiphany would probably motivate them to go back to college, open a business, try a new hair color, run a marathon, etc.

Not me.

For me, it makes me want to eat dessert. Whenever I want.

Apparently that's something I needed permission to do.

The dessert example is silly, but I guess what I'm saying is that Gary's passing has given me permission to live my life a little more fully.

I can eat a whole pie if I want to.

And so can YOU!
So there.

(PS: I loved--and miss--the show Pushing Daisies.)

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