There's No Such Thing As Normal ...
I just read a novel where the central character, Ginny, creates a book of newspaper clippings from "Dear Abby" advice columns in an effort to help her understand/define normal human behavior. She's worried she isn't normal, and these columns give her some sense of other peoples' normal (or abnormal). Ironically, the one thing Ginny learns throughout this process is this: there's no such thing as normal. That's kind of deep. Don't you think? I've spent a lot of time thinking about this myself--because one thing I tend to do as a parent/adult is COMPARE myself, our parenting, and our kids' to others in an effort to determine whether we are NORMAL. As if "being normal" is some indicator or validation that I'm "good." Ha! How ridonkulous is that--looking for validation of your "goodness" in others' behavior? Seriously! Life is what it is--and that means there is no normal. It's u...