Today's VIMH (Voice In My Head)

I love this post from Pinterest.


Because sometimes the "voice in my head" is anything BUT encouraging.

Take just this morning, for example.

Before I'd even picked myself up out of bed, I'd inventoried 100+ excuses for why this day was going to kick my butt. (For reals.)

Here's just a tiny sampling of my self-talk. And yes, I'm fully aware of how wonky it is to share my internal dialog, AKA "The Voice In My Head." (Don't judge, just love please. Ha!):

The Voice In My Head:
This Morning's Edition

It's almost finals week/end of the year. There are so many emails to return and papers to grade. There's more work than there is time. ("I really could have been a better teacher this semester..." etc. "I bet other teachers are all caught up.")

I WAS doing great for about 3 weeks, eating very little sugar and/or junk, BUT then the Easter weekend hit and I completely lost control. Waaaaaaa! Now I'm back to Square One. Square One! Do you know how many times  you've hit the reset button, Dawn? Imagine where you'd be if you didn't have to start over so often? Crap. Crap. Crap! Why didn't you just eat veggies and drink water this weekend? And why did you buy that red velvet cake? Curse you red velvet cake.

--Health/Fitness #2.
I need to increase my weights ... but I'm a chicken. Even after all I learned on Survivor, I'm still afraid to push. What's that all about? Some deep-seeded fear of success no doubt. (Ha!)

--Life In General.
The washing machine sounds funny. I wonder if you need a new one? Hmmm? I bet it's going to break. Probably at the same time there's car trouble or something. Yeah, I'll get to repair my car AND get a new appliance. That's just how I want to spend my money. And crap [the VIMH says "crap" a lot.], all of the Easter decorations have to come down. And the kids have one more day of Spring Break ... should we do something fun? But I have SO MUCH WORK to do. How am I going to balance everything?

Jokes on you VIMH. Don't. Get. Me. Started. Six kids times six million parenting mistakes. I'd never get out of bed if I fed this beast.

See, here's the irony: I know better than to inventory all of the junk in my brain ... yet it still takes me 20 minutes to STOP the Voice In My Head from being non-stop negative. It's nuts! (Okay, that's funny. I'm blogging about my self-talk AND referring to it as nuts. Yes, I need a counselor. Ha!)

But on the plus side, at least I am able to stop it--the negative self-talk (aka VIMH).

And get up out of bed. And push on. And blog.

So, I guess that's progress?

Actually, I know that's progress ... so blam!

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