Excerpt From 1 Of My Favorite Books: "Life Is A Verb"

Today I wanted to share an excerpt from one of my favorite books: "Life Is A Verb," by Patti Digh (PattiDigh.com):

"The book Art and Fear brings us the story of a pottery teacher who tells half his class that they'll be graded solely on the quantity of the work they produce. He'll even use a scale to weigh their output and determine their grade. Fifty pounds of pots would rate an A, for example. The other half [of the class] would be graded on quality and need only produce one pot--a perfect one--to get an A.

"The works of highest quality," the authors reported "were all produced by the group being graded of quantity . . . while they were busily churning out piles of work--and learning from their mistakes--the quality group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay."

I just LOVE that excerpt.

For one: I love metaphors! And a pottery metaphor just rocks.

And for two: It reminds me to just WORK WORK WORK and not worry so much about the quality of my work (in most cases, PS)-- because experience/process is an incredible teacher.

Have a beautiful day. 8)


PS: Thank you to the anonymous blog reader who gifted me this book 3+ years ago. I love it!

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