Redemption Island Dual TONIGHT!

Ozzy Lusth, Dawn Meehan--ME!, and Whitney Duncan. (C) CBS, Monty Brinton, 2011. Last night I had a dream I was on Survivor South Pacific competing in a challenge against Ozzy from Micronesia AND a country singer named Whitney Duncan. Wait a minute. That wasn't a dream! Holy moly. Can you believe this-- I'm on Survivor South Pacific. Quick, someone get a camera. I'm going to need a picture to prove this all really happened. I mean, really--what in the honk? How did this happen? How did I go from dreaming about this game to actually PLAYING it? Ahhh ... best feeling ever. Episode 4: Shoulder the Load Challenge. (C) CBS, Monty Brinton, 2011. (PS: In case you didn't know, Monty--the photographer--is actually a native Utahn. Woop woop!) It's nothing short of incredible, I tell ya. And I mean that wholeheartedly: INCREDIBLE. And one day, I'm going to share more with you about that--about how this big dream of mine became a realit...