
Showing posts from February, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

I might be mistaken, but isn't Leap Day a kind of " opposite day "? I mean, after all, it's not every day an Irish lass can ask a Irish lad to marry her. Wait!  It's 2012! And in most countries, she sure as heck can. (Woo hoo!) So, if Leap Day isn't an opposite day, then how am I supposed to celebrate this once-in-a-four-year day? With Hamburger Pizza , of course. Huh? I know, it makes no sense. But our favorite pizza place (Papa Murphy's in Riverton, Utah) is making Hamburger Pizzas today--and  only today--in honor of Leap Day.  I guess it's in keeping with the opposite day theme: "Do the opposite of typical pizza toppings ... dress the pizza like a hamburger." Works for me. Happy Leap Day! **** PS: A few more thoughts: Baby ME. Circa 1970. 1. Survivor. Tonight! Can't wait. We'll talk more manana. 2. Wrinkles. Yes, blowing up my upside down photo accentuates the wrinkles around my eyes...

Facing Life's Battles

(c) LionsGate, 2012. One reason I have always loved Survivor is that I feel like the game is a great metaphor for life: --there's this big "game" we're all "playing" ( some of us are really prepared for the game, some--not so much) --there are rules to this game (not sure who made 'em) --you're isolated from your typical support system --you depend on other people for your survival--and yet that dependence also makes you vulnerable --there are physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges (BIG ones) --the days are long --the nights are LONGER --there are winners (and losers) throughout the game --the game is fun when you're winning; not so fun when you're losing --you learn what you ARE and ARE NOT made of as a result of playing the game --you learn to appreciate life "outside the game" as a result of playing the game --thankfully, there is an end to the game (and someone does win) --but no matter h...

The Allure of Farm Life

Our son took this photo Friday night--after catching this loose horse outside his friend's home.     I consider myself a "big city girl." I like paved roads, sky-rise buildings, shopping centers ... the busy-ness that comes from thousands of people sharing their lives. But I've got to be honest, after our family's weekend visit to a local farm, I'm feeling like we should all spend at least a few months of our lives living in a rural area.  If only for the adventure. What about you?  Are you a City Slicker or Farm Chica/Chico? And why? Lucky for us, this piglet spoke English. For some reason, big pigs just aren't as cute as piglets.  (I wonder if I look like this when people take pics of our kids without asking?) My favorite part of the visit ... the FREE -range chickens. (They were HUGE!) Hard to believe this is just miles from our home. It's like a different wo...

Giveaway Winner ...

Congratulations to the winner of the Nostalgia Retro Hot Air Popcorn Popper: JANE *Jane, we've sent you an email w/ details. Thanks to everyone who entered!   *** PS: New Recipe of the Week = Snicker Bar Salad (In honor of Survivor's John Cochran)

Dr. Seuss' Birthday

The Lorax movie comes out next week!  (c) Universal, 2012. I love to read. BUT, I didn't always love to read. ( Which is kinda funny for someone who teaches English.) But, it's true. It was only after marrying Dave that I became a "book reader." (Sorry mom and dad, I know you both read a lot.) And that had a lot to do with the fact that Dave was a reader--and therefore, gave me books for EVERY anniversary, birthday,and Christmas. The first few years of our marriage it was kinda funny.  "Oh, a book, thanks."  [Zzzzzz.] "Oh, another book. Thanks." [I  can see I better get a bookshelf soon.] And so on, and so on, and so on. Until one year he gave me a book that for some reason just SPOKE to me. You know the kind of book I'm talkin' 'bout? --A book you want to read and never put down.  --A book that teaches, helps, inspires, and changes you. --A book you WANT to write in. --A book you want to share with ...

Running Late

After Brandon spelled my name "Don" on Survivor, everyone began doing it. Even the people making my hot chocolate at Starbucks. Still planning to post today; just running behind. Sorry! 8) Dawn

Three Things I Kinda Love

(c) The Color Run, 2012. Okay, it's not too often that I tell people "Here's what ya gotta do ...." So, when/if I ever do give advice, it's about something I really believe it. Something I kinda love. And here are 3 Things I Kinda Love.  They make me smile. And I hope they make you smile, too. 1. The Color Run. (c) The Color Run, 2012. Our friends Seth and Angie work with this incredible RACE called "The Color Run." If you haven't heard about it yet, you soon will. It's a 5K run/race with a twist--at each kilometer a different color  of "magic pixie dust" is blasted at the runners (all 100% safe and natural). It is a pretty incredible concept. And the organizers are people you just WANT to support; they're great people. (Pssst: They have races all over the country--from New York to Idaho--so there's probably one near you.) Isn't that awesome? (Yes.) Click on the photo below for more info ...

Bryce Canyon Winter Festival

Answering questions after the presentation at Bryce Canyon Winter Festival. Well, I made it through my first big speaking event without throwing up! I'd like to think that alone makes it a success. Ha ha ha. To be honest, I am dying to talk about it, but I don't know what to say. I'm not exactly the most objective person to ask "How did the talk go?" So, I thought I'd give you the overview--AND just add that we LOVED the trip, I learned a lot, and am looking forward to speaking again (March 9). Overview Speaking Location: Bryce Canyon Winter Festival 2012 (Utah). Here: Is this incredible? Bryce Canyon after a night of snow. Attendees: About 200+ people. (Ages 8-80.) These are p eople attending the Winter Fest (Where they snow-shoe, cross-country ski, ski, hike, ice-skate, and participate in all kinds of outdoor/snowy activities.) Oh, and our 8 people ... so probably 208 attendees. Here: Length: I spoke for...

Giveaway Time: Retro Popcorn Machine (Air)

(c) Nostalgia, 2011. I know microwave popcorn is WAY convenient and tasty, but it's not that healthy for you. So ... I thought it would be fun to giveaway an air-popped popcorn machine. And this is the one I own, so I thought we could be twins! Giveaway begins today and ends at 11:59pm on 2/24    (Friday, Mountain Time). Dawn's Blog Giveaway Rules 1. Anyone may enter.  Family, friends, in-laws, out-laws, previous winners, etc. 2. You enter by leaving a comment on my blog. Leave a comment--any comment--between today,  February 17 and February 24, 2012 @ 11:59pm. 3. One winner per giveaway: 1 Nostalgia Air Popped Popcorn Machine (red). I didn't win the million, sorry! 4. Winner is selected RANDOMLY using The comments are numbered in the order they are received. 5. Winner will be named--first name/username--only on the blog on February 1. You may enter under anonymous, but I will have a ...

Survivor: One World Ep. 1

Survivor: One World, Ep 1, First Immunity Challenge (IC). (c) CBS, Monty Brinton, 2011. If you want to read a really thorough (and hilarious) recap of last night's Survivor: One World, read Dalton Ross' piece from Entertainment Weekly this morning: As a long-time fan of the game, I had always read and loved Dalton's recaps. Then, once I played the game and MET him (he flew to Samoa as part of the pre-game press stuff), I loved him even more. He's a big fan of the game--so his insight is usually pretty spot-on--and, he's a talented writer. So, it's worth your time. (PS: Not a paid endorsement. No sponsors on the blog.) Okay, my point! While I am going to "talk" about the game on my blog, my goal really isn't to become a recap writer. I just thought it would be fun to share some of my thoughts: --as someone who loves the game/show (and Jeff Probst--ha!). --as someone who ha...