The Allure of Farm Life

Our son took this photo Friday night--after catching this loose horse outside his friend's home.

I consider myself a "big city girl."

I like paved roads, sky-rise buildings, shopping centers ... the busy-ness that comes from thousands of people sharing their lives.

But I've got to be honest, after our family's weekend visit to a local farm, I'm feeling like we should all spend at least a few months of our lives living in a rural area. 

If only for the adventure.

What about you? 

Are you a City Slicker or Farm Chica/Chico?

And why?

Lucky for us, this piglet spoke English.

For some reason, big pigs just aren't as cute as piglets. 
(I wonder if I look like this when people take pics of our kids without asking?)

My favorite part of the visit ... the FREE -range chickens. (They were HUGE!)

Hard to believe this is just miles from our home. It's like a different world.

PS: If you visited the blog on Sunday, you may have noticed we had to revert to the "old" layout. My hosting service was down and that was the only way to keep the blog LIVE. 8)

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