Repost: Let Go of The Monkey Bars
NOTE #1 : This excerpt comes from a book the Book Fairy gave me ( thank you! ), Life is a Verb , by Patti Digh: *************** Let Go of the Monkey Bars "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." --Lao Tzu Sometimes taking flight takes letting go. Letting go takes faith. Faith takes letting go. It all requires wings. And so it goes. As Kierkegaard said, "Without risk there is no faith, and the greater the risk, the greater the faith." Flying begins with a leap of faith. At the end of each year, I ask myself two questions: What do I want to create in this New Year and, perhaps even more importantly, what do I want to let go? This year, I needed to let go of a project I had been holding on to, one that was lucrative but deflected my attention from my real work. I needed to really let go, not pretend to let go, or hold on to vestiges of it to keep me comfortable. It was a letting go that sent me flying into that space between t...