Repost: One of My Most Favorite Things To Do . . .

One of my first loaves of "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day." Love their recipes!

A about 8 years ago, I went to an "Enrichment" class at church in California. The class was taught by our bishop's wife, a woman I absolutely love and admire (Sister Tanner).

I signed up for the class because SHE was teaching it. I really didn't know what we'd be learning that night (these monthly classes run on all kind of topics--service auctions, birthday dinners, game nights, etc.); I only knew that I needed to bring a pie-tin if I wanted to participate.

And so, I went to class pie-tin in-hand--and learned . . .

to bake bread.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

What I'm saying is, that night really changed my life.

And I'm not exaggerating.

To date, I think I've made bread--rain or shine, feast or famine, sickness or health--at least once a week EVERY week for the last 8 years.

Learning to make bread was like a revelation to me.

I love love love the process of making bread . . .

* I love the mixing the dough.
* I love kneading the dough (which is like a major stress reliever and a workout!).
* I love the way the dough gets big and puffy when it rises.
* I love the smell of it when it bakes.
* And most importantly, I love to EAT it (and share it).

In fact, I don't know if there's anytime I feel more happy than when I'm making bread. Isn't that silly?

Funny now that I think about it.

Sister Tanner taught me one of the most valuable skills in my life.

It's a skill that I've used probably as much as my times tables OR driving instruction.

I should write her a note and tell her.

In fact, that's what I'm gonna do right now. (While my current loaf of "artisian bread" is rising! See photos above.)


(PS: We call each other sister because we're all brothers and sisters on Planet E--not because we're sister wives on Big Love! LOL! That's another group; not ours. And I'm not judgin', I'm just sayin' . . . .)

(PSS: Thanks for all of the kind words and support this week! If I could, I would make you each a loaf of bread to show my appreciation.)

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