PETA for Kids
Last month I ordered each of our kids a "PETA for KIDS" kit online. They day they arrived, I was so excited. The kit was AWESOME--and looked so cute: coloring books, stickers, and coupons for kids--all encouraging them to be kind to animals. SO, imagine my surprise when Kaya (who turns 11 on Thurs.) comes up to me and says, "Mom, this PETA coloring book is sad. I want to throw it away." I said, "What? Sad?" She said, "Yeah. It's about a stray dog that has babies in an alley. Only, the dog and her puppies have no food, so the puppies starve and die." I said, "WHAT?! Are you kidding me?" She wasn't kidding. Sure enough, that was the story. As I quickly skimmed the pages, I read the backpage: "SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS." Oh, I get it: they're just trying to encourage my kids to spay and neuter their pets. That's the reason for the tragic dog coloring book. Well, I'm pretty sure Kaya got...