Have You Heard of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)?

A weekly "full share" of produce from a local CSA.
(The size varies from CSA to CSA.)

I'm pretty sure I'm in the slow group on this one.

I've been to Farmer's Markets before, but I really didn't know much about Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Well, until last year. And even then, I didn't know much.

But this year I get it!

Community Supported Agriculture means local residents "buy in" to local farms and somewhat "sponsor" the farm.

You see, most farmers sell their food three places (or more):

1. to restaurants
2. at Farmer's Markets
3. and to members of their CSA

So, if you like to buy locally grown organic fruits, veggies, eggs, cheese, and proteins, then joining a CSA is one way to get 'em.

And there are lots and lots of CSAs. Just Google the name of your state and CSA or Community Supported Agriculture, and you'll see 'em.

This one is in Wisconsin--or Michigan! Can't remember. (LOL!)

I've been researching the ones in Utah. They are all fairly similar in approach:

1) Become a member of the farm's CSA (usually online).

2.) Receive a weekly "share" or box of produce for anywhere from 15-18 weeks (in our state, from June to Oct). (In other words, each week you pick up your share of the farm's seasonal stuff. In most cases, selected for you based on season, etc.).

It's not for everyone, I'm sure. Mary (my mom-in-law--who lives on a farm . . . with her own bees!) suggested that some veggies/choices may not be items everyone likes (depending on the amount/type of produce you eat), so if that's the case, then she said it may be best to just buy weekly at the Farmer's Market--from these same farms.

But, if you are no respector of veggies/fruits, then the membership is a great way to go (again, search out cost vs. benefit for your fam)!

Here's the link to the Utah CSA Association. They list all of their CSAs. Some of the CSAs even have video footage of their crops. It's pretty educational.

I like the idea of the CSA so much because it means that you are somewhat sponsoring the farm AND . . . you're sticking it to the man. LOL! (I just wanted to say that. I really don't know who "the man" is. And maybe he's part of a CSA already anyway!)

Anyway, for a city-type-person, I think the CSA is a pretty cool thing.


PS: For those of you concerned that I'm going to start wearing Birkenstocks and putting Henna in my hair, you should be. (Just kidding.)

PSS: Does anyone else think it's funny that I talk about fresh veggies on the same week I give away SWEDISH FISH on the blog? (These are the ABCs of me. Irony.)

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