We ❤️ Summer

LuLu's a teenager! (It's official: we now have 5 teenagers at home.)

Summer is usually in FULL-FORCE come June in Utah. 

And we LOVE that.

Summer in Utah means hotter weather (usually 90-100 degrees); swim time; longer days (sundown is usually 9pm); lake time; and lots of fun celebrations . . .

--Father's Day
--Dave and I both have brothers with bdays
--LuLu celebrates a bday
--Dave and I celebrate our wedding anniversary (25 years THIS YEAR!)
--and I celebrate a bday, too

It's a good time.

Thank goodness for the changing seasons--they sure do make you appreciate CHANGE.

Happy Birthday LuLu. We are so glad you are FINALLY a teenager (and we love you so very much).

Lu and her friend J--at her bday celebration.

Lu planned and prepped for her party ALL on her own: water games, sand volleyball, pizza, cake . . . it was great.

Like "Duck, Duck, Goose," only "Drip, Drip, Splash."

Water balloon games.

Teenagers have ZERO mercy when it comes to water balloons.

Lu loves Costco cake.
(Translation: she's had it for breakfast this week.)

ZuZu and Papaya made Lu's family bday cake: It says "Happy Birtday"--oops.

Even though Lu likes cake for breakfast, we did have healthy donuts on her actual bday. (Talk about sugar. Holy cow.)

This is how Dave and I celebrate 25 years of marriage: by making a fort in our backyard and finding some time together to JUST BE. (It was actually awesome, even if it looks hilarious with my tablecloth tethered to our fence.)

Bam and M play in the lake by our home.
(Bam and Papaya are blessed to tend this amazing toddler each week.)

More with McK.

As I look at these photos, I'm reminded of just how TIRING toddlers are! ("More, more, more! Again, again, again!)

Handsome Dave: 25 years and still looking like a baby-face.
(PS: Not our baby, but Dave at a wedding holding his step-sister's bambino.)
(PPS: The big inside joke at our home: Dave loves babies. Like LOVES them.)

My anniversary card from Dave. I love it.

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