It really feels like the month of October was 3 months long! We have had so many things take place--it's almost silly.
So rather than write a long post with all of the specifics, I thought I'd go with the "a picture paints a thousands words" approach and post our October photos with captions.
Blogging/journaling really is something I miss doing, so I am hoping I make more time to write in November.
The kids made caramel apples one Sunday--the easy way (with sheets of caramel). |
Dave and I took the kids to hike Donut Falls for the first time ever.
(The kids went higher than we did--and said it was amazing.) |
Part of the "Falls." |
The kids on their way up to the reservoir at the top of the hike. |
The fam. (Minus Jay, who was at work.) |
The climb. |
Before we hiked Donut Falls, the kids and I hiked in Big Cottonwood Canyon. It was gorgeous. |
The gang. |
Zu took all of the photos. |
Big Cottonwood Canyon. |
Lu, Jr., and Papaya. |
Zu and Lu had a lot of volleyball games in October.
They did great and learned that they love volleyball. (Dave was one of their coaches, so that was way cool.) |
Bam as "Wednesday Adams." |
Lu's cat, Obi Wan. |
Tending our favorite little person, McK. |
It's kind of amazing how much happiness/joy she brings into our family. |
Papaya and McK. |
Fall is my favorite time to recipe-find.
This Sprite Apple Dumpling recipe (Pinterest) was actually great. |
More volleyball. |
Volleyball. |
New Halloween decoration made by me:
kinda gross--okay, a lot gross--plastic magnetic cockroaches on a metal door. |
Jr. is taking a Foods class this year and has learned a lot of great skills.
He made us shrimp scampi one night and it was awesome. |
Bam's cat, CityKitty. |
Zu, practicing a new song to play at church on Sunday. |
Jr and his friends before the Homecoming Dance. |
Papaya took the kids (and Harriet) on a Sunday drive to the Draper Temple. |
Obi Wan is still a kitten ... and still very much interested in the guinea pig (Amelia Pond). |
I had back surgery to repair a ruptured disk in my back (a result of an old Survivor injury), and our church/ward family made us the most amazing meals during this time. We were so
so so grateful. It's kind of humbling to see just how much that support helps. Wow. |
The same friend who made the tomato soup also brought home-canned peaches, homemade bread (for grilled cheese sandwiches), and yummy peanut butter/chocolate bars. |
Pumpkin carving (this is the first year I can remember when everyone was able to carve solo). |
Home for Halloween this year: Jay. (Back from mission this past June.)
PS: We learned he's allergic to pumpkin. Hello hives/rash. |
Jay and Laur. |
Our neighbor taught us to make this great taco dish (after she made it for us one night). |
Turns out the phone entertains the cat. |
Papaya and Bam taking McK to the aquarium. |
Papaya and Bam--with McK, who was really REALLY afraid of the fish. |
Our neighbor's tree is sporting the ombre look this year. |
Papaya and Jay, on a drive to Brighton. |
Turns out snow IS coming our way this year. |
Drive to Brighton (no snow at the lower elevation). |
Jr. as Spiderman. |
Harriet as Cheerleader. |
Zu as Liv Moore from iZombie. |
Lu as an old-school bank robber. |
Bam as a zombie. |
Papaya as a vampire. |
Which brings us to NOVEMBER!
Ah . . . a new month.
(PS: Dave set up the chalkboard for me this month since I am not super agile after back surgery.) |