Just Throw Your Hands In the Air . . .

 It really feels like the month of October was 3 months long! We have had so many things take place--it's almost silly.
So rather than write a long post with all of the specifics, I thought I'd go with the "a picture paints a thousands words" approach and post our October photos with captions.
Blogging/journaling really is something I miss doing, so I am hoping I make more time to write in November.
The kids made caramel apples one Sunday--the easy way (with sheets of caramel).

Dave and I took the kids to hike Donut Falls for the first time ever.
(The kids went higher than we did--and said it was amazing.)

Part of the "Falls."

The kids on their way up to the reservoir at the top of the hike.

The fam. (Minus Jay, who was at work.)
The climb.
Before we hiked Donut Falls, the kids and I hiked in Big Cottonwood Canyon. It was gorgeous.
The gang.

Zu took all of the photos.

Big Cottonwood Canyon.

Lu, Jr., and Papaya.

Zu and Lu had a lot of volleyball games in October.
They did great and learned that they love volleyball. (Dave was one of their coaches, so that was way cool.)

Bam as "Wednesday Adams."

Lu's cat, Obi Wan.

Tending our favorite little person, McK.

It's kind of amazing how much happiness/joy she brings into our family.

Papaya and McK.

Fall is my favorite time to recipe-find.
This Sprite Apple Dumpling recipe (Pinterest) was actually great.

More volleyball.

New Halloween decoration made by me:
kinda gross--okay, a lot gross--plastic magnetic cockroaches on a metal door.

Jr. is taking a Foods class this year and has learned a lot of great skills.
He made us shrimp scampi one night and it was awesome.

Bam's cat, CityKitty.

Zu, practicing a new song to play at church on Sunday.

Jr and his friends before the Homecoming Dance.

Papaya took the kids (and Harriet) on a Sunday drive to the Draper Temple.

Obi Wan is still a kitten ... and still very much interested in the guinea pig (Amelia Pond).

I had back surgery to repair a ruptured disk in my back (a result of an old Survivor injury), and our church/ward family made us the most amazing meals during this time. We were so
so so grateful. It's kind of humbling to see just how much that support helps. Wow.

The same friend who made the tomato soup also brought home-canned peaches, homemade bread (for grilled cheese sandwiches), and yummy peanut butter/chocolate bars.

Pumpkin carving (this is the first year I can remember when everyone was able to carve solo).

Home for Halloween this year: Jay. (Back from mission this past June.)
PS: We learned he's allergic to pumpkin. Hello hives/rash.

Jay and Laur.

Our neighbor taught us to make this great taco dish (after she made it for us one night).

Turns out the phone entertains the cat.

Papaya and Bam taking McK to the aquarium.

Papaya and Bam--with McK, who was really REALLY afraid of the fish.

Our neighbor's tree is sporting the ombre look this year.

Papaya and Jay, on a drive to Brighton.

Turns out snow IS coming our way this year.

Drive to Brighton (no snow at the lower elevation).

Jr. as Spiderman.

Harriet as Cheerleader.

Zu as Liv Moore from iZombie.

Lu as an old-school bank robber.

Bam as a zombie.
Papaya as a vampire.

Which brings us to NOVEMBER!
Ah . . . a new month.
(PS: Dave set up the chalkboard for me this month since I am not super agile after back surgery.)

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