Friday, Friday, Friday!
Soooooo glad it's Friday. It feels like it's been a super-long week. Actually, it feels like it's been a super-long winter; we have really been battling colds/sicknesses/injuries since October of last year. But in between sicknesses, we are good overall. So no reason to complain-- just gotta get through it. PS: Something I've been thinking about lately, how do you manage colds/flus/temporary injuries? Meaning, do you take time off work/school? Do you rest, etc.? Dave and I were talking this week and both agreed that we see so many people work through their sicknesses. Now granted, sometimes situations require that you do, but when they don't, how do you rest and recover from illness? And do you teach/help your children to heal (by resting, what?)? I'm just curious because we notice our own kids are feeling the need/pressure to work through illness--and I can't help but think that's not a good thing. Just a thought. Have a great week...