Halloween Can't Come Soon Enough ... For Me!
Our first Halloween celebration: vampire brownies. |
It seems that over the years Halloween celebrations begin earlier and earlier and earlier. (PS: I think Target, Hobby Lobby, and Pinterest are partly to blame for this.)
I mean, I used to think it was "out of season" to have a pumpkin on your porch before October 1; but here it is the second week in September and I'm already making Halloween treats! Go figure.
Anyway, I'm not complainin', I love Halloween, so I'm more than happy to celebrate it for 50+ days!
But I'm wondering: are you are holiday "rule follower"?
--Do you think it's "wrong" to listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving?
--Do you pack away all of your white clothes/shoes after Labor Day?
--Do you wait to put a pumpkin on your porch until October?
And if so, why/why not?
(BTW: Why do I celebrate early? Because I feel like life has so many rough/grey spots, we need all the reasons we can find to punch some color into it. Blam!)
How can you say no to vampire brownies ... anytime of year? |
PS: Just a little update on what has become our daily 15 minute Duck/Geese Meditation.
We've been feeding the ducks/geese for the last 7 days in a row.
On Day 1, they were a little shy around us.
By Day 3, we could feed them out of our hands!
But yesterday was the kicker. Yesterday--Day 7--we didn't even make it to the lake to begin feeding them: the birds actually came out of the water and met us!
Next thing you know, we'll be buying Duck/Geese clothing and dressing these guys. I can just see it now. Ducks in bonnets. Geese with aprons.
And, if it turns out we can train them, we're going to go on America's Got Talent next season. (Throw our hats into a new reality-tv arena. Ha!)
PPS: Survivor Philippines begins next Wednesday--and it looks like it's going to be a great season. The location is beautiful and the cast seems GREAT.
My early picks: Angie (Hometown fave--she's from Manti, Utah); Malcom (who seems way too confident); Abi (the sassy Brazilian); Denise (the "older" female); the returning players (Mike Skupin, Russell Swan, and Jonathan Penner); and of course, Lisa Whelchel or "Blair" from The Facts of Life.