Survivor One World: What In The Honk?

I'm telling you, if you aren't watching Survivor, you should be.


Because it's the greatest social experiment ever.


You can learn more about yourself (and society) by watching one season of Survivor than you can in a whole semester of university sociology. (Promise.)

And with that glowing recommendation, here are some of my thoughts from last night's episode of Survivor One World:

1. It's just a game, but WOW, it can be a painful game.
It was downright painful to watch Christina receive such mean comments from Alicia and Colton last night. And while I don't know the complete context for the comments, I do know one thing: it was painful to watch. (At a certain point, Christina was doubting herself, asking Tarzan if he liked her--and even Tarzan was unkind to her! What in the world?)

This is the part of the game that really gets me thinking. There's so much room for discussion--because as a viewer you watch and wonder, "HOW can someone treat another person so poorly?" and "How can other people stand by and let this happen?"

But as a player, I kind of understand it. (I don't approve of it, but I understand the thinking that allows it.)

When your basic survival is threatened (in this case "survival" = "place in the game"), you do things you wouldn't normally do:

--You accept behavior you wouldn't typically accept. (My guess is that Christina doesn't take crap from anyone in real life.)

--You sit by and watch others suffer--because you know that by getting involved, you'd surely bring suffering to yourself. (My guess is that Leif and Jonas allowed the bad behavior because they didn't want to be the next target. Simply put, they are "outlasting" the situation/people.)

I know it doesn't make sense to most of us/viewers who don't have to "struggle" for our daily survival. But trust me, when you are vulnerable, you act vulnerable.

2. Kat is my new favorite Survivor.
I could listen to Kat's confessionals forever. Who calls dirt "nutritional"? And who says they are trying "to figure out how to keep their appendix safe"? Kat seems almost cherubic to me. I crack up every time she's on screen.

3. I had no idea Colton was going home last night.
Say what you will about Colton's gameplay, it was a complete shock to see him leave the game last night. I really thought he was going to make it to the merge and possibly F5.

4. I can't believe Colton kept the idol!
I can't believe Colton took the idol home with him! There's no way I would have left the game with the idol; I would have definitely given it to someone else (especially if it had been a gift to me in the first place). But, I did hear in an interview today that Colton wanted to give the idol to Jay on Salani, but production said no. (So, maybe he wasn't being entirely selfish when he left the game with it. Maybe.)

5. How can there be two injuries in one season?
It takes SO much effort, energy, and desire simply TO get to the island and begin playing Survivor! It just seems unbelievable (and unfair) that you'd have two people's games cut short due to medical reasons.

6. Will the merged tribe revert back to men vs. women?
We now have 6 men and 6 women at the merge (which I love!). Will they stick with their original tribes? I don't think so. I think Kim, Jay, Kat, Chelsea, Troy, and Sabrina are going to be TIGHT. (Which means, Christina, Jonas, Leif, Alicia, and Tarzan are going to have their work cut out for them. Oh, and Mike? I think he may be out soon. He'll be seen as a threat for individual immunity.)

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