One Month Until Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is ONE month away.

I can't believe it.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays--and not just because I heart turkey, stuffing, cranberries, pie--but because I think it's such a good idea to take a timeout from the busy-ness of life and give thanks for all the good in your life, your family, your country . . . .
And this year has been extra special for our family (with Survivor, family/friends helping while I was away, etc.), I want to make sure our family REALLY does give extra special thanks for the goodness that's been shared with us.

So, beginning today (the one month countdown), we are going to keep a "Things I'm Grateful For" list with our kids. Nothing too fancy (although I like fancy), just a simple list where we can share the things we are grateful for (*yes, I'm ending a sentence with "for").

See . . .

I'm hoping this list will help me--and our kiddos--see that our life truly is blessed. Not perfect. Not free from pain. Not free from sorrow. But, blessed.  Every day. All year though.

What traditions do you have in your family that make your holidays special? (Post a comment and share, if ya like).



In case your kids like to cook--

Our kids made Eyeball Taco Salad for a Halloween-themed dinner last night and it was awesome.

Funny. Cute. And actually, really good. Nacho-like.

And, if I could reorient this blasted photo, you'd get the funny part: the sour cream and olives make eyeballs.

Anyway, thought I'd share in case you have kids that like to cook!

Click this photo for the recipe:


Survivor South Pacific, Episode 7 airs this week. Woo hoo!

More on that tomorrow.

I will say this though: the challenge is incredible. Of course, I haven't seen it yet--because I was blindfolded and in water during it--but the photos make me anxious to watch the show this week!

Keith and me--on the left side of the photo. I think Edna and Albert on the right.

(C) CBS, 2011.

With thanks to!

Helicopter shot of challenge course.

(C) CBS, 2011.

With thanks to!

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