Homeschooling Update: Healthy Eating, Cosmic Brownies, and Mice!

First, congrats to #33Shannon for winning the Bakerella Cake Pops book!

And now, a quick update on the homeschooling projects:

Week 2 of our "Preservatives Experiment." Just how long will the cosmic brownie last?
(My hypothesis--Forever. The kids' hypotheses--a month.)

We're into Week 2 of "Healthy Bingo"--where the kids practice healthy habits for two weeks
 (and earn a new shoe each time they blackout the Bingo card).
They are doing great:
doing extra jumping jacks, going to bed before 9pm, meditating for 10 minutes, trying a new fruit or veggie, drinking beverages without sugar.
We still have lots of room for improvement, but I love the Bingo idea (yay Papaya!).

As part of the Healthy Bingo, we ordered a big bag of potatoes
(as part of our goal to cut back on meat--these potatoes are the size of a steak).

We have also been trying new veggies: Fiesta Cauliflower (yellow and purple).

And making our pancakes from scratch with--get this: pumpkin, oatmeal, and whole wheat!
(Confession--we had to add some chocolate chips. But I'm hoping the good outweighs the bad. LOL!)

*******************And now, in "Humane Mousetrap Land" **********************

The mouse is still on the loose!

We've moved onto our second type of trap.

The downside to this experiment is that the mouse is still on the loose.

The upside to it is that the kids have created the mousetraps all on their own AND they've written essays persuading us to continue using the humane traps vs. a traditional "mouse extinguisher" trap. So, we are learning a lot--and thinking a lot--just not able to keep cereal in our cupboards for now. LOL!

Peanut butter keeps the cereal/bait stuck to the ladder. The idea is that the mouse will eat his way to the little trap (in box). I wonder how much cereal a mouse can eat in a night?

OH! And best part of this--Jay set up a camera to record at night. So far, no mouse sightings.

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