In Pursuit of Peace

My deep thought for the day (for real), taken from the book "In Pursuit of Peace" by J. Meyer:

No matter what upsetting circumstances are going on in life, if we get them off of our minds, they no longer upset us--it is as if they do not exist for us. When we recall them, they once again become part of our reality. No wonder Satan [AKA "Senor Cranky Pants" or fill-in-the-blank for any other negative influence in your life--EGO, THE NEWS, etc.] continually brings up things that steal our peace.

If we want to enjoy peace, we need to be willing to tell people that we don't want to talk about certain things. . . . Don't let Satan use other people to steal your peace through giving you upsetting information you don't really need, and make sure that the enemy [aka Senor Cranky Pants] doesn't use you to upset other people the same way.

The mind is an absolutely amazing organ. Thoughts affect our emotions, our health, our futures, our attitudes, our relationships, and much more. Certainly we should be careful concerning them.

What we think about literally becomes our reality. We can think of something that is not even true, but our thoughts will make it true for us. [So] make sure your thoughts are not deceiving you. 

Pursue Peace.

PS: For those of you that have your speakers on, does it make you smile that the person playing the harp is also running a bath?

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