"Hidden Treasure"

Warning: Today's blog metaphor may or may not make you want to watch Pirates of the Carribean while eating some chocolate gold coins.

Here's my question of the day:

Do you know that you're sitting on a treasure chest? 

PS: I know this is going to sound dramatic. (And yes, I'm dramatic.)

But I feel like I've been the beggar in that Tolstoy story . . .

the man who sits on a suitcase/chest begging people for money his whole life long--only to have a passerby tell him "open the suitcase you are sitting upon . . . it's filled with gold!"

You see, the beggar spent his whole life searching for something he already had claim to.

Is that crazy?

(Interrupting Cow: Yes, I realize today's epiphany probably has something to do with my turning 40. And probably something to do with all of the exercise I've been doing--endorphines. But please indulge me. LOL.)

You see, I have spent most of my life searching . . .

most of my life asking others . . .

and most of my life just hoping . . .

that I would come across the "gold" or "treasure" I know is out there for me to claim.

But my treasure isn't with someone else. I don't need someone else to help me find it--or give it to me.

It's already mine; I've had it my whole life long.

Only I didn't know it.

I take that back. Actually, I did know it, but I didn't KNOW it. You know, like FEEL it or BELIEVE it.

And now I do.

So what's helped me SEE things differently?

I don't know that it's been one thing specifically, but I think it's that someone gave me an opportunity to push myself to limits I didn't know I was capable of. And in that pushing/struggle, I saw what I was made of.

And it has been sooooooo exciting to see--ME. ME doing things I never thought I could do!

It makes me realize YOU can do things YOU never thought you could do, too.

And that WE ALL can do things that we don't expect each other to do.

We're amazingly powerful and blessed.

Now, get out there and push yourself to do something you didn't know you were capable of. It's the BEST feeling ever--I promise! (In other words, open your treasure chest, you've been sitting on it far too long!)

PSS: Sorry for being so Deepak Chopra. If this is way too "Just Do It" for you, jump over to The Pioneer Woman's cite and grab a recipe. I highly recommend the Jalapeno Thingys.

Mucho love and smiles.

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