Summertime Madness

As a teacher and mom with 6 kids, summer is something I look forward to ALL SCHOOL YEAR!

And then, two weeks into "summer" I begin worrying that we're not using the time well. Specifically, that I'm not using the time well.

I start thinking about things like 

--sleep schedules (just how late is "okay" for teens in summer?)
--curfews (again, just HOW late is "okay" for teens in summer?)
--structured family activities (when? where? how many?)
--unstructured "free-time" (for 5 teens?)
--required reading (at 12-17, do we still participate in the Library Summer Reading Program?)
--screen time (in all of its forms: tv, games, phones, music, movies, etc.)
--exercise (how much?)
--service (where? when? optional?)

And on and on and on!

Now, I know that every family and situation is unique, so there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to each of these questions, but since our oldest son turned 21, I've really started to panic consider just how much influence Dave and I should/can have on our family these last few young adult/school years.

And I'm telling you, my head is kinda spinning. 

So, that's what's on my mind.

In the meantime, I'm trying not to worry too much and accept that life is good even when we are figuring these things out.


Some of my last week's "To Done List":

Harriet went to the groomer for the first time in 6 months. Holy guacamole she needed a trim. (She's a little anxious to leave the groomer and wasn't ready to look at me for this shot. She was still upset about the 8 hours she spent there. Yup, 8!)

I made Energy Bites (Pinterest) for the 900th time this summer. I'm trying my best to drop my winter coat, so I thought I'd snack on things like mini M&Ms, honey, highly processed p-nut butter . . . .

I balance the energy bites with super sweet fruit. You know, because I don't want to suffer while I'm transitioning to a bathing suit body. LOL. (Wow, that knife looks ominous.)

And I'm drinking a lot of water--in my "on-sale cup." Didn't think about reading the cup before I bought it. What in the heck?

Energy Bite Recipe:

Oh, and the recipe for the Energy Bites.

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