Pics That Take Me to My Happy Place

1. Our favorite toddler and Amelia Pond, the guinea pig.
McK came over for a visit and ended up helping us bathe "piggie," as she calls him.
(PS: Papaya did McK's hair. Her dad asked for corn rows.)

2. McK's brand new baby brother, Baby J.
(Bam got him to smile and Lu snapped the photo.)

3. Bam holding Baby J.

4. Lu with Baby J.

5. Papaya holding baby Obi Wan.
(The World's Most Spoiled Cat.)

6. THIS. Enough said.

7. Oh, and soup.
We've had sick kiddos AND a pretty cold December /January, so I have been making a lot of soups
(this one is potato, leek, and carrot).

Psst: Yes, I think it is hilarious that I photograph the food. I have no idea why, but I like it.

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