Come What May and Love It
Do you ever have one of those weeks where the stress level seems extraordinary?
Well, last week was our week for that.
I want to explain the specifics and yet part of me is so beat from it all, I don't want to rehash it. (Though I do think it's probably valuable to journal about it, so in the future I will remember "we can do hard things.")
Anyway, my point!
We had a surgery and ER visits. We had a mono diagnosis for one kiddo and radical colds for the others (minus Jr--he's holding strong). Dave had a business trip to Oregon (while sick). We tended our favorite toddler in the middle of the night--while her mom had her second baby. Oh! AND we had job interviews that didn't turn out to be a good fit (for kids).
It was a LOOOOOONG week.
On the heals of a LOOOOOOONG year. A LONG year.
We're still grateful and still smiling, but I have to tell you, we are long overdue for a break.
Bam ended up really sick this week. (Taken before the sickness. She's preparing for a class in Airbrush Makeup--she'll be able to do wedding, tv, and formal makeup. Yay!). |
Our favorite toddler and her new brother, Baby J. |
Sunday's snowstorm. |
My pacifier this week. Not sure I will ever use regular chocolate chips again. Seriously love these. |
Still working on getting rid of not-essential things. |