Come What May and Love It

Zu has started making smoothies for the family. I think it's a trip that she makes them so special. In all my years of making the kids smoothies, I have never made them look so special.
I love these. (And Zu took the pic, too--adding the background heart.)

Do you ever have one of those weeks where the stress level seems extraordinary?
Well, last week was our week for that.
I want to explain the specifics and yet part of me is so beat from it all, I don't want to rehash it. (Though I do think it's probably valuable to journal about it, so in the future I will remember "we can do hard things.")
Anyway, my point!
We had a surgery and ER visits. We had a mono diagnosis for one kiddo and radical colds for the others (minus Jr--he's holding strong). Dave had a business trip to Oregon (while sick). We tended our favorite toddler in the middle of the night--while her mom had her second baby. Oh! AND we had job interviews that didn't turn out to be a good fit (for kids).
It was a LOOOOOONG week.
On the heals of a LOOOOOOONG year. A LONG year.
We're still grateful and still smiling, but I have to tell you, we are long overdue for a break.

Lu, having surgery on her eardrums and getting tubes in them. The hospital was so nice AND Elle is so happy all the time. Even while getting the IV and going to the Operating Room.
(Thanks to Jr. for going with us.)
Bam ended up really sick this week.
(Taken before the sickness. She's preparing for a class in Airbrush Makeup--she'll be able to do wedding, tv, and formal makeup. Yay!).

Our favorite toddler and her new brother, Baby J.

Sunday's snowstorm.

My pacifier this week. Not sure I will ever use regular chocolate chips again. Seriously love these.

Still working on getting rid of not-essential things.

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