Me, at work--just before Finals. (Ready for Winter Break. |
I gotta tell ya,
we're doing our best to love the heck out of December:
--we're making treats
--we're celebrating BIG Birthdays for Zu and Dave and Gma Mary
--we're pampering ourselves (yup, pampering)
--we're watching a lot of movies
--we're listening to holiday music
--we're dressing up the pets
--we're praying for snow
--we're trying our best to be extra kind and generous . . .
and we are getting ready to KICK 2015 to the curb come December 31st! Woo hoo! (*More details about that in a future post.)
Forget "Where's Waldo." Where's Obi Wan--the kitty? |
There he is! (Who sleeps in a tree?) |
Harriet and I are trying to walk around the lake as often
as possible, but it's pretty cold out there (plus, she has a torn CCL--like an ACL in humans). |
Bam got her nails done with some of the money from her first paycheck. |
The Meehan gang at the ward Christmas Party
(missing Bam and Papaya, but adding Lauryn). |
Our sweet friend Marthe is always smiling. Always. Love her. |
Lu and Dave--photobombed by our friend E. |
Laur and Jonah. |
Jr. and Zu at the ward Christmas party--photobombed AGAIN by our friend E. LOL. |
Bam's wishlist book. |
A gift left by Bam's "secret sister" at church. |
The girls with friends from their Sunday school class. |
A beautiful brunch table setting created by Janae's sister
Kristen (she had US to brunch for her bday). |
Lu's big teenage bday party. |
Waiting for the guests. |
Party games. |
We put all of the activities on balloons, so the kids knew what we were going to be doing. |
Calm before the storm. |
Nail painting. |
Candle-blowing. |
Watching movies and eating pizza. |
A SWEET giant snowman cookie from our neighbor Jhan. |
My new favorite heating pads ... made by C, a totally creative girl in our area. |
Party games. |
More party games. |
Decorating our first Christmas tree.
(It died, so we had to get a second one a week later.) |
Papaya and CityKitty. |
BYU at night. |
McK playing drums while we babysit. So fun. We just love her. |
When Zu turned 7, Hannukah began on her actual Birthday. So of course she wanted a menorah for that bday.
And ever since then we have celebrated Hannukah in a small way. Even though we are Christian, it has been fun to learn about the Jewish traditions. |