So You Had a Bad Day ...

I know it's not personal.

And I know everyone--everyone--has hours, days, weeks, months, and sometimes years that are bummer-major.

Yesterday was a bummer-major day for us.

(And yes, I know these are all fixable problems, so they're not enough to complain about in The Big Pic., but they are problems that take time to repair. And with 6 kids and two jobs, our lives don't have a lot of bumper time to fit that in--so these situations do create some "stress." And I'm not a big fan of stress.)

What kind of problems you ask? (I know you didn't. Ha!)

Here is some of the fun we've had this week--and it's only Wednesday:

1) One of our cars broke down. And after 5 days of juggling 7 people and one car between seminary (church classes early morning for our teens), school, work, and appointments, we were super happy to get it back. Downside = the repair was the cost of one house payment. Awesome.

2) With both cars up and running, Dave and I decided to take the cars to the car wash last night. One car at a time so we could drive together.

And on the way THROUGH the car wash with Car #1, it broke down and began overheating (this was the original "working" car). It wasn't awful, but we were feeling like that it was a little unfair to have Car #1 break down the day after we were back to being a two-car family.

4.) WHILE we worked to get Car#1 towed, Dave realized his cellphone was missing. He'd accidentally set it outside at the car wash. And ... yes, someone super-kind person decided to steal it. Awesome. Seven people. Two jobs. Seven schedules. One car. One family phone. (Not to mention, Dave's phone is a work phone, so it carries lots of confidential information AND it's a nicer phone than most people use.)

5) And ironically, I upgraded my phone yesterday (contract was up). Yes, this is a positive. BUT, I  begged Dave NOT to activate the phone until I was certain I could move all of my data from one phone to the next. I'm not super great with getting new technology and figuring it out in the same day. BUT, Dave decided he would activate the phone--and I would figure it out quickly. So, the whole day I was a little upset because I had ZERO stored phone numbers, calendar items, etc.  I found myself saying "GRRRRRR" about 2.7 million times.

This became particularly frustrating when Dave's phone was stolen because we weren't able to recall any phone numbers to help us get a ride back to our home. Awesome.

6) Yesterday we learned that Elder Meehan is having some health problems related to a medication that he takes. And because we don't have direct contact with him, we are kind of left in the dark about how to help/support him. So there's this kind of background noise/worry that blankets all of the things going on in our lives--until we know how he's doing. (And of course, I missed a phone call from the state he's in--this morning--BUT I didn't recognize the number ... BECAUSE MY CONTACTS ARE NOT IN MY NEW PHONE!)

I know these are not reasons to lose my marbles.

But they do raise my blood pressure and cause me to feel a little like "Give ME STRENGTH."

And despite every lesson I learned on Survivor about overcoming challenges, I still sometimes forget that things work out. That even when they don't work out as we'd like, they work out.

Gotta run. Literally. One car is gone. So I'm running.

Much love. Hope your lives are smooth today.

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