Christmas Is Here At Last

We are super excited that it's Christmas Eve and we're about to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus!

We are also super excited because we get to have a phone call tomorrow from Elder Meehan--one of two phone calls during the year (Mother's Day is the other one.). It's hard to believe that we haven't heard his voice in months. Months! Wow.

As I sit here typing this early morning, all of our kids are sleeping. It's a pretty rare occasion; usually one or two are awake by this time. And since I have a few solo minutes, I thought I would share a few of the thoughts I have about how much Christmas means to me:

--I love Christmas because it's a holiday that seems to impact all people for good. The Christmas season brings out the best in all of us. It's the time when we really get to feel what it would be like if we chose love, generosity, and selflessness every day of our lives. I love that. It kinda makes me feel more connected to all people (my own family, neighbors, the clerks at the store, etc.).

--I love Christmas because I truly believe that a man named Jesus Christ was born thousands of years ago. And even though I didn't live when he did, his life serves as an example and guide for me. The accounts and retellings of his life show me that forgiveness and sacrifice are possible. They show me that life trumps death. They show me that humanity can improve and change for the better. And they show me that love should be what prevails: ABOVE ALL OTHER BELIEFS. And while I know there are probably 1,000s of examples of people who may serve as such examples to us (Ghandi, Buddha, Martin Luther King, our own family members, teachers, etc.), I truly believe that this man--Jesus Christ--offers salvation to all people. And I believe there isn't any person on Planet E that wouldn't change for the better by learning about Jesus Christ and choosing to follow him/his teachings/his examples. (And I know believing in him has made me look for good in all other people--regardless of ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, gender, etc.).

--I love Christmas because there's something just awesome about lawn decorations. I mean, why are our homes so "BORING" most of the year? I feel like there's just something super hilarious about lighting our homes, putting out plastic reindeer, and celebrating a common experience with LAWN ART. Christmas makes our neighborhoods LOOK so HAPPY.

--Christmas is special to me because we make it special. I love that there are days we make special and holy and different. I think sometimes the hum-drum and challenges in life are nearly unbearable. Christmas is a reprieve from that.

--I love Christmas because there are lots of fun parties and even better food!

--Christmas means so much to me because it brings back really good memories of family holidays and traditions. And because it gives me a chance to connect our family/kids with those people and family traditions. (For example, they never met my Great Grandma, but they know her famous fudge and pomegranate jelly were things she made at Christmas.  And they know that they open pajamas on Christmas Eve because I opened them on Christmas Eve when I was a kiddo.)

--Christmas is AWESOME to me because our families, neighbors, and friends go out of their way to share so much with us. Our home is filled with treats, kind letters, beautiful pictures, gifts, and I love that. Plus it's one of the few times of the year when I feel like "Hay, go ahead and eat Whittney's toffee for breakfast--it's CHRISTMAS! WOO HOOO!"

--And finally, Christmas means so much to me because it falls right between Thanksgiving and New Years: THE perfect TIME of year. At Thanksgiving we reflect on the blessings we have and at New Year's we focus on the good to come. And in between, at Christmas, we just get to celebrate the two: past and future. Makes sense to me for a holiday patterned after birth, death, and resurrection. There's GRATITUDE and HOPE inherent in the Christmas holiday.

And with that, I'd like to just say ...

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

--Love, the Meehans

Taken at the Salt Lake LDS Temple--before Elder Meehan left for his service mission.


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