Sometimes I feel like life is literally RACING by--I can barely catch my breath.
(Like when any of our teenagers mention they need to "practice driving." And I'm thinking, "Right, like a 10 year old needs driving practice. Wait a minute, you're not 10!")
And yet at times, the hours pass so slowly.
(Like when I'm coming down with the flu during office hours, and I have 7 more students to meet with.)
These contrasts are nutty.
And life is full of them: the contrasts.
I used to hate it. I wanted life to be Even Steven. Stable. Predictable. The Same. All The Time.
But after the experience of Survivor--where the contrasts are SO stark and cycle rapidly--I learned to appreciate the contrasts in life. I learned to kind of ride them out and appreciate them (as best as possible).
So even though I absolutely cannot stand to have the flu and throw up for 24 hours, I know that the minute that flu has passed, I have a literal over-the-top appreciation for good health.
And when I bake bread and forget to set the timer and it burns, I know that the next time I make bread and it isn't burned, I'm going to love that bread like there's no tomorrow.
So there can be a purpose to all of life's contrasts--the HIGHS and LOWS.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I want to create MORE of these contrasts.
But since I can't control the laws of physics OR all of human behavior, I can at least accept that in most cases we gain strength and develop gratitude as we face life contrasts.
'Cause that's what I'm banking on.
PS: Somehow our family came down with two different flus last week. When you add that to a neighborhood tragedy (we had two shootings just a block away), work, school, Science Fair projects, piano lessons, and just normal life, I wasn't able to blog at all. (Which really does help me keep perspective.)
Anyway, my point!
I can't get caught up on everything from these past 10 days, but I want to at least post some photos and move forward.
Hope you are having a great start to the new week and looking forward to Thanksgiving and Hannukah.
We heard from Elder Meehan. He's still loving his experience as a missionary. This photo is so HIM. |
That neighborhood cat, Spook, came and visited last week again. And he got a HAIRCUT. |
SEE: he's the LION CAT! What in the what? |
PPS: I didn't feel it was appropriate to blog about the shooting in our area. It involved young children (12 and 15). But I do want to say I'm so heartbroken and sad about it. I pray for everyone involved, no matter what the circumstance.