Happy Halloween!
Jr. and Zu--on their way to Trunk-or-Treat. Dust off your Thriller CD/MP3 people because it's party time: Halloween is FINALLY here. Heck yeah! We had a kind of "dress rehearsal" for Halloween last night and attended our ward's/congregation's annual * Trunk-or-Treat Party. It was AWESOME. We had soup and pie for dinner, a children's costume parade, and then the traditional "trunk-or-treat." It was tons of fun! (Though we missed Papaya because she was at her team's Volleyball Championships. They came in 4th overall. Yehoo!) ( * For non-Mormon peeps = Mormons like to decorate our cars, park them in the church parking lot, pop the trunk, and have the kids trick-or-treat from car to car. I think in many areas this began as a way to give kids access to lots of candy without making them canvas large, aka spooky, neighborhoods. It's really fun.) Lu as a Native American hunter. (She got the bow and arrow first--because she lov...