There's This ONE FLY!
As I sit down to write this morning there's this ONE housefly that won't stop bugging me.
And I mean bugging.
Like, I'm seriously beginning to get angry at this fly.
Now, I'm a person that has some experience with flies.
To be brutally honest, most campsites in the game of Survivor have a bazillion flies and bugs.
For reals.
And the longer you are on the island--aka, "in the game"--the more you SEE how the lack of proper sanitation takes a toll on the environment. (If you get my drift. Ha! That's funny.)
Anyway, my point!
Because Survivor players don't have access to running water, soap, trashcans, towels, a toliet ... there are a lot of flies, ants, and other critters that become pretty constant companions to the players.
So, my point!
I've been around a TON of insects, so I really should be able to handle ONE flippin' housefly.
So, this has me thinking--since I love metaphors ...
Maybe flies are a metaphor for ... I don't know, "things that bug us."
Like, here's this tiny, small, really insignificant thing. It doesn't really impact my overall well-being or basic needs.
Like, I could lose my crap over this nutty housefly right now. It will not stop landing on me, tickling me, touching my face, etc.
And so, I'm wondering: How often are my life "stresses" really just tiny houseflies that have somehow landed in a place that takes me to the moon?
Maybe, just maybe, a lot of the times when I feel like "I can't take anymore," it's really just this ONE "housefly" that knows which buttons to push?
And maybe, if I channel my inner Karate Kid, I can learn to LIVE WITH THE HOUSEFLY and not be DRIVEN CRAZY BY THE HOUSEFLY.
Right? (I mean, metaphorically speaking.)
I don't have to let the small, insignificant "things" drive me bonkers.
I just have to learn to control my reactions to them.
And if that doesn't work:
--I am bigger than this dang fly.
--I think I'm smarter than this dang fly. (But National Geographic may have evidence to the contrary. I don't know?)
--And, dangit, I can always LEAVE the area or get rid of the dang housefly in order to restore my sanity. (Dun dun dun dun.)
Now, I'm glad we worked through that. I feel better!
And strangely enough, I can't locate the dang housefly now.
That. Is. Hilarious.
PS: In other news, we are loving Fall here in Utah. School is good and we are excited for Halloween!
Trying on masks at the grocery store. (Which I now realize is something lots of people do. So when I buy a mask, it's probably been tried on a lot? Eeek!) |
Making a Halloween care package for Elder Meehan. (PS: Pinterest made me do it. I have never in my life decorated the INSIDE of a shipping box.) |