More YW Camp Photos ...
Just before leaving ... the whole group of girls with their camp leaders. |
Papaya and her favorite mentor/Camp Director. |
Several dads come up to help supervise and keep camp safe. These dads were kind enough to let Bam paint their nails during craft time. |
Bam on the ZipLine. (So fun.) |
Caisa on the ZipLine. |
Bam and her friend after a night of rain. |
Staying dry inside the car while it POURS. (The road to the mountain campsite was nearly washed out. As a result, camp had to end a day early. Lots of rain.) |
Church friend and leaders. |
I am so glad our daughters have a chance to go to camp each year. It is not always fun to put aside normal teenage life, but man, is it worth it to spend a few days in the mountains with people you heart.
(And we're so thankful for the photos--thanks leaders for getting them out to us. Along with the video. So fun.)
PS: I realized yesterday while the kids were swimming (we try to swim a least an hour a day--for fun and exercise), that I really wish I'd listened more in my Meteorology class in college. The clouds yesterday were breath-taking.
Yes, I just said breath-taking.
A) I'm preparing a monologue.
B) I'm getting older and using wonky adjectives.
C) All of the above.
Bootiful Utah skyline. |
Baby D--
How on earth did I forget to call you on your bday? Aunt Dawn is SO Sorry!
Happy 13th cousin/nephew.
We love you!
Happy 13th cousin/nephew.
We love you!
December 2011, Santa Monica Pier. |