
Showing posts from June, 2013

There Was A Time When It Was Just Us Three ...

When Bam was little she used to talk about taking photos with her mind--and keeping them "for always." She would look at something, blink, and then tell me, "I just took a picture with my mind." Funny how someone so small could say something so profound. Because my memories really are visual--photos--of experiences, times, places in our lives ... just like Bam said. And this photo above is one of the ones I've got committed to my memory--for always. Jay, Dad and I love you.   So. Much. We are so grateful to spend our days with you. You teach us so much and make us laugh so hard. We can't wait to see what the next chapter brings for you, for us all. XO. PS: I love that you learned to do a backflip. It's the first of many challenges you can cross of your bucket list. I love it.    

Dog Days Of Summer ...

Bam's painting nails like nobody's business. She calls these ones "galaxy." Just a quick post today to say, I am loving summer SO much. Something about starving on a deserted island the last two summers makes being home this summer (with food, toliet paper, a toliet!, pillows, soap, family, and a watch) SO SO SO SO SO SO sweet. And guess what? I bought a new bathing suit this weekend. A non-Survivor one! And you know what that means? 1. I picked out the color I wanted. (For the game, production typically tells us to stick to a certain color on the "color wheel.") 2. I bought it a full-size bigger than last year's model. (Because when you're planning to do the Survivor Cleanse, it's best to buy a suit that's one size too small. You wanna anticipate fitting into it once the lbs are melting off of ya in the sweltering heat. Translation = if you only make it to Day 12 of the game, your suit is TIGHT. But if you make it to...

Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary ...

Today, Dave and I celebrate 22 years of marriage. Holy cow--that's a lotta years. A lotta years. Dave, I love you so much. Thank you for being my absolute best friend and partner on Planet E. You are--hands down--the best thing that ever happened to me in this life. And I still think you have the bluest eyes I've ever seen (yeow!). I love you. XOXOXOX, Dawn Dave and Jay, 2011.   **** PS: I thought for fun, and posterity, I would list a few of my favorite early "you" (Dave) memories here today: --Our first meeting. I know you and Jeff T say it was at the Sizzler, but I seriously don't remember that. For me, our first meeting will always be Jeff L's bday party in the Huck's backyard. That night is ETCHED in my memory. Every detail. What you wore: Videos To Go shirt. Black shorts. Black braided belt. Cross country shoes. Handsome blue eyes. What we ate: pizza and soda. Who we sat with: Rick H. What we talked about: promo pizza ...

First Day Of Summer!

Zu, Lu, and Jr at the community pool yesterday. I love the first official day of summer--especially here in Utah--because it's usually a smokin' hot day, sunny day!  That means we can swim and play outdoors for a long, long, LONG time. Do you have any summer solstice plans? Us? We sure do: 1. We are going to try and stay outdoors as much as possible. 2. We are going to BBQ. 3. Dave and I are going to celebrate our wedding anniversary. (I know I keep sayin' this, but it's our first anniversary "together" in two years. Since I was playing Survivor in '11 and '12, and Dave flew out for the Loved Ones Visit both years, we were technically "in the same country" for our anniversary, but we never actually got to spend our wedding day together. This year is different though. Yay!  PS: Not complaining, jussayin'. Because truly, going out to Survivor two years in a row--Samoa, and then The Philippines--made for a pretty sp...

Happy 10th Bday LuLu!

Swimming at the non-swimming lake yesterday. Zu, Lu, and their sweet friend. Presents from NeYoda, us, and Ruby, Livio, Dom, and Chris! Happy Birthday LuLu! We ALL love you so much and are so grateful to celebrate your birth today. You are one special kiddo. Happy 10th!

Fly, Like The Butterfly!

Today's post is a short one. Just a reminder to myself--and you all--that no matter what you're going through, everything is gonna be okay. Even if it's not okay. It's still going to be okay. Okay? Hang on. Until tomorrow, have a beautiful day. PS: Lu, can't wait for your bday tomorrow! Ten is an awesome age! Lu and a little chick. Age 8.

Happy Birthday Whittney C.!

My BFF Whittney--with her island BFF, Dre Dre's sister! Happy Birthday Whittney. It is SO good to celebrate this bday with you in the USA!   And so hard to believe that last year you were in the Philippines for your bday (or on a plane, another plane, another plane, a bus, and a bumpy boat on your way there). I heart you to the moon and back. You are my kids favorite Aunt and my serious soul-sistah.  Love you, and hope it's a super groovy bday! And now, the Bday Acrostic, in your honor Whittney: W onderful counselor (oh, that cracks me up) H ostess of Martha Stewart proportions I love your guts T here's a coconut w/ your name on it in the Philippines T he days are sweeter because you're on Planet E N obody does Primary like you E veryone in our family wishes you would move in Y ou make even cloudy days seems BRIGHT

Happy Father's Day Weekend!

Jay and Dave after the Red Rock Relay last year. Happy Father's Day weekend everyone! Dave, I'm so excited to celebrate this year WITH you and the kids. You're truly the best dad on the planet. I love you.  **** Psst: Dad, I'll post for you on Sunday (mwah). Baby ME, circa 1970.

A Really REALLY Good Day

A memory of a not-so-really-really-good day: Brandon's exit. Survivor Caramoan. (c) CBS, Monty Brinton, 2012. One of the greatest "take-aways" from Survivor--for me--has been recognizing how truly fortunate we are I am to have my basic needs (shelter, water, food, freedom to choose, etc.) met on a daily (even hourly) basis. I mean, I think I was always a grateful person. Well, at least I hope I was. But since Survivor, I'm the kind of person who literally thinks, "How awesome is this toliet?" every time I walk into a bathroom now. Or the kind of person who wants to say out loud, "This water is crystal clear ... no diarrhea-fest today!" And I'm not being sarcastic. I literally mean it, "We are so blessed to have clean water and toliets." Anyway, my point! When your basic needs are met, life is so good. And then ... on days when you have your basic needs met AND  EXTRA amazing things happen, life is REALLY REALLY ...

Recipe Swap: Summer Salad

Summer Salad--thanks Rebecca G., from our Carbon Canyon days! This is how hilarious/ridonkulous our lives are right now: Our oven caught on fire while I was baking bread Sunday and that isn't even in the Top 100 of Nutty Things That Have Happened Since Sunday list. But my point! We're not baking/cooking this week. So, tonight we're having this yummy cold salad w/ some store-baked bread (eeek!). Thanks to my friend Rebecca for sharing it: Summer Salad 4 cups avocados, diced 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 2 cups cubed cucumbers, peeled, diced 1 red onion, sliced 4 TBS cilantro, diced 2 TBS garlic, minced 2 TBS lime juice 1/4 cup olive oil salt black pepper * lettuce (if ya like) 1. Toss all ingredients and place on a bed of lettuce (if ya like). Serves 8   **** And in unrelated Meehan news: Zu made this awesome card for a friend. (And yes, I still can't rotate a photo.)   My BFF, Whittney has a bday this coming week (18th). This...

In Every Interaction, You Choose ...

Our kids on the dock at the lake near our house. (Date-stamp looks odd to me now, but I am glad to have it.) One of my favorite books on the entire planet is a book by Marianne Williamson called A Return To Love . Dave bought it for me probably 16 or 17 years ago, and I think I have read a portion of it--or all of it--every week for that time period. I like it that much. But my point! The most profound statement I've considered in the whole book is this one: "In every situation, in every interaction, you can choose peace or you can choose war." Now, I remember reading this 10+ years ago and thinking, "Well, that's nice Ms. Williamson, but I'm not at war. Ever." Yup. Those are the ABCs of me: 32 year old Dawn = literal readings. But today, as I read this statement, I see the depth of it. (Yes, I'm going to sound like a hippie here.) Every interaction in life--my life, your life--affords us the opportunity to pursue peace o...

Father's Day 2013

Jay, Jr., and Dave, April 2012. It's almost Father's Day! Ehhhhhhhhhh! I feel so unprepared.  And I seriously have two of the best dads in my world: Dave and my own dad. (Dave's dad has since passed, but he was my other best dad, too.) How do YOU celebrate Father's Day? My mom and I were talking on the phone yesterday, and she reminded me that when Jay was a toddler I dressed him up in Dave's suit and had a photo taken as Dave's Father's Day gift. That was 16+ years ago ... and now Jay has outgrown Dave's suits. Where does the time go?  I swear I still feel 23 years old. ( PS: Is it always going to feel this way--even when I'm 62? ) Anyway, my point! I've got some work to do this week in order to get ready for Father's Day--because I'm guessing a tie isn't going to cut it. (I "missed" the last two Father's Days because I was playing Survivor.) So, with that bit of rambling, I'm off to see...

School's Out For Summa!

Jr, Zu, Lu, and Papaya--first day without school. We are so happy school is officially out! --Jay has graduated and is getting ready to leave for his service mission to Indiana. --Bam got a new fish (Sparkle), is babysitting a lot, and even considering getting her drivers license. --Papaya, Jr., and Jay signed up for CrossFit.  --And Zu and Lu, well, they are playing piano, swimming, and begging me to homeschool them until they are 18. (Those girls are FISH. We should live on the coast, I tell ya. They love the water.) (PS: This cracks me up, but Zu is learning "Thrift Shop" on the piano right now.) I am so glad it's June.  Just the word, "JUNE," makes me smile. End of the school year breakfast at Willage Inn. (Spelled like it's pronounced.)   Visiting my BFF Janae, her daughter, and Bam. Bam's new fish: Sparkle.     Jay's mission logo. (None of us Meehans have been to Indiana, so this is an exciting time!...