The Power of Vulnerability
Survivor Caramoan cast, Day 3 in the game. (c) CBS, 2012, Monty Brinton. Last night was the TV Guide Preview for our season of Survivor. And I have to say--eve n after having lived this experience once before -- holy cow, I forgot how vulnerable you feel watching your self o n TV . And I'm not alone in feeling vulnerable. I talked with 3 or 4 other players last night after the show aired and everyone said pretty much the same thing: -- "I'm excited it 's finally here." (We filmed a while ago.) A ND -- "Did you see my X, Y, or Z ? It's aw ful." (F or me, it was my posture and sau sage thighs. For another, their acne. For another, their smir k in one cut-away.) Isn't that the way it goes? Here we are, living out our dream to play Survivor and be part of the Survivor Adventure, and yet we feel super insecu re as we watch the expe rience with friends , family, and 10+ million other s. It's made me think. A...