
Showing posts from December, 2012

Christmas 2012

Harriet learns to ride a longboard. She'd been dying to try it out. Can't you tell? This photo pretty much sums up ou r Christmas 2012 : We spent lots of time indoors eating good food and treats , watchi ng movies, reading, doin g pu zzles and teaching our pets to do new tricks. (Psst: I f I never eat another Almo nd Roca, it will be too soon.) But, most importantly, we spent a lot of time just being together. It was great ! ( A lthough we d i d miss seeing our c ousins and gra ndparent s in CA and TN. Love you!) I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season, too. Har d to believe 2013 is upon us . Wow.   Whitney the cat--a Christmas gift for Bam. Amelia Pond--the World's Greatest guinea pig. Bam and Whitney.   The whole family Christmas morning--opening cards from NeYoda. ...

Only Love Remains

All that happened in Newtown, CT last week  has me feeling numb. Life is so short. And as  I look at the photo album of my life I realize that the only thing I can--and should--value is  love. Am I giving it? Am I open to receiving it? Because it seems to me, in this world of ours,  only love endures: PS:  Ozzy, we love you and are so sad to be without you. Rest in peace sweet dog; thank you for 11 incredible years. And ... Congratulations to Denise--winner of Survivor Philippines.  (We will have to talk Survivor later this week!)

The Most Unusal Christmas Party Ever

Me and Chewy. Friday was Dave's Christmas party at Adobe--a nd wow, it was the most unusual Christma s party I've ever been to. It was like a mashup: part sci-fi, part Christmas. They had the most incredible activities, food, and program. I'm still kind of in shock over the whole thing. And while it didn't feel entirely like Christmas, it was definitely a neat way to celebrate the holidays with Dave's co-workers. (Did I mention that we heart Adobe?). Here are just a few of the things at the party: They had professional dancers. Doin' the robot. Me, Darth, and some Storm Troopers. They had a team of Segways you could try out. (Pretty fun.) They also had an oxygen bar--which we'd seen, but never tried before. That is, until now! (PS: If I'm ever on oxygen in a hospital in the future, please get me a colored whatever-this-thing-on-my-nose is called.) They also had these trapeze artists (Cirque de Adobe). ...

I Heart Weekends

Caisa, Papaya, Bam and the babies (twins our girls babysit and love to pieces). Ward Christmas Party, 2012. What are your plans thi s weekend in December? Me ? 1. Get ready for Zu's 10th bday ( 12/1 3). Zu. (With the best hair ever. Seriously, she has the best hair.)  2. Get ready for Dave's birthday (12/16). Dave, me, Jonas (Survivor 24) and his beautiful wife!      3. G o to Dave's work Christmas party --at Ado be. (c) The Office. 4. Bake bread. 4. Gr ade student research papers. BYU, where I teach English to 60+ upper division writing students. Translation: 60 students + 13 page research papers = a lot of reading. (c) BYU, Mark Filbrech. And that's about it. Hope you have a great holiday weekend .  ( Psst: Hannukah begins Sunday . And no, we aren't Jewish, but Zu has adopted this holiday as one of her favorites--because it falls during her bday . So, I'm praying it's not sacrilege, but we...

Survivor Postlude: Not Carter!

Survivor Philippines' cast member Carter Williams. (c) CBS, Monty Brinton, 2012. Okay, I have to be quick today; it's the last day of classes at BYU (prior to finals week) and 24 hours isn't nearly enough time to do all I need to do! BUT, I did want to say a few things about last night's episode of Survivor (Philippines): 1. NO! Not Carter. For some reason, I started to really really like Carter after the merge. He's strong in challenges, he seems kind, and he's funny. BUT, that's exactly WHY he had to go last night. I can see why Malcolm, Denise, Skupin and Lisa don't want to sit next to him at the end. (Did he upset anyone on the jury? Uh, no.) PS: His visit with his mom was so sweet. He seems like such a good son, don't you think? 2. Praying in the game. I'm never comfortable with the public prayers on Survivor.  I don't have much to say here, other than it just seems awkward . (Maybe that means my own faith is one I hide...

Survivor Tonight!

The family visit: Survivor Philippines. (c) CBS, Monty Brinton, 2012. Even if you're not a major Survivor fan , tonight's the episode you want to watch : the family visit. (Just ask L ou Diamond Philli ps--he watches. You know, La Bamba ? ) There's just something so HUMAN about the family visit . You really get to see a whole different side to (most of) the players .   I can't wait ! Buzz around Survivor circles (no idea what that means, I just made it up) is tha t Malco lm's brother is really "inter esting " and Lisa's reunion with her b rother shows you just how lonely the game can make you fe el. I am anx ious to see who goes home tonight . We 've only got 3 episodes left until a winner is named.  One of these 6 p layers is going to be a milliona ire before Christmas and Hannukah; isn't t hat incredible? Throwback Photo: Survivor South Pacific: Jack and Jill Challenge, Savaii Tribe. (c) CBS, Monty Brinton, 2011. ...

Hitting the Reset Button

Our kids with Heather at her wedding on Saturday night. (We were neighbors for 6+ years and we love her guts.) I look at this p icture and think, " Wow, life really is amazing and beaut iful." But to be honest, there's a reason I haven't been blogging lately : L i fe has been hard -- super hard . And that's made it hard for me to journal/blog. You see, I'm usually a really po sitiv e person , b ut lately I've had a hard time SEEING and genuinely feeling positive.  I know it's just the roller coaster of life : --You win so me; you lose some.  --You've got the world on a string; the world has YO U on a string. -- One day you have immunity; the next day you're on the chopping bl ock.      --Etc., etc., etc.) . . . B ut it's sti ll hard and that's a bu mmer. (Ca n I get an Amen? Amen ! ) So there. That's the vague, yet genuine truth : w hen life is super hard, I don't have a ton of motivation to ...