What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Youth Conference, 2012.

Youth Conference, 2012.

Ever since I playing Survivor a year ago, our family has tried to charge through life with one motto in mind: "Why Not?"

--Why not learn to do a backhandspring?

--Why not run a ragnar race?

--Why not climb a wall?

--Why not roadtrip with 6 kids ... for 20 hours to see our favorite cousins on a whim?

And more ....

And as I write today, on the tail of a major blog hiatus, I realize that this one change in philosophy has made an incredible impact on our family.

We have learned things--GROWN--in ways we never would have grown if it weren't for this "can do" spirit or attitude.

Now, I'm not saying we have succeeded at all of the things we've tried.

Far from it.

Sometimes we land flat on our face (literally and figuratively).

But most of the time ...

And I mean 99.9% of the time, we land in a place that reminds us that life truly is a gift AND that we (as human beings) have something magical inside of us.

We just have to believe.


PS: The above photos took place this summer while our four oldest kids attended a church activity where they ran a ropes course, flew on ziplines, and climbed walls.

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