My best "Cowboy Rick" impersonation. |
On the heels of yesterday's somewhat whine-y post about our experience at the library, I wanted to post today about all of the AWESOME people there are on Planet E.
Because if there's one thing being on national television has taught me, it's that 99.9% of the world's population is KIND, GENEROUS, FUN, THOUGHTFUL, and LOVING.
Prove it, you say?
I can.
Using 6 of my most recent Twitter exchanges--with people I've never met in person-- I can prove my theory:
My Theory =
Planet E is overflowing with kind, generous, fun, thoughtful, loving people.
Examples #1 and #2
Stephen Fishbach and Courtney Yates are both Survivors (Tocantins, China, Heroes v. Villains)
They both corresponded with me via Twitter once Survivor South Pacific started airing.
Though we've never officially met, we have had so many kind, funny exchanges on twitter. They are downright good people.
I love 'em--enough to send them bread.
Here's what they tweeted once the bread arrived.
Funny and thoughtful, no?
Example #3
Jake is a college student and Survivor fan who follows me on Twitter.
Although he lives on the other side of the US, he happened to be flying through Salt Lake City Airport over Christmas--at the same time as me.
So, guess what he did?
He met me at the Baggage Claim (Oh, the irony.) and asked if I would take a photo with him.
It may sound silly, but because I'd read his posts on Twitter, I did have a sense of his personality and heart. So, of course I met him and took the photo.
And I can confirm, Jake = Kind soul. (And so is his friend--because he was so DYING that Jake made him come and take a photo with someone from Survivor. Not sure his friend was a Survivor fan. BUT, what a good friend to do that with Jake, no?)
Example #4
Brian Scully is a screenwriter and producer in Los Angeles. I've never met him in person and only recently met him on Twitter (as a result of seeing his exchanges with Sophie--they tend to banter and it's usually hilarious).
But, my point!
After a few really kind Twitter exchanges, we'd become fast-friends. LOL!
So, of course, I sent him some bread.
The above text is what he tweeted to me after receiving the bread. (It's an exchange between he and his mom. He's just texted her to say that he's going to have me/Dawn adopt him. I'm "NEW MOM" in the text.)
Is that so dang funny? (You can see where he got his sense of humor ... his mom.)
Example #5
This is Todd. He's a Dr. and Survivor fan in MA. He began following me on Twitter once Survivor started airing. He's a long-time fan of the show just like me. He's applied several times. He just loves the show/game.
I've never met Todd, but when I started the CBS Traveling Rubik's Cube, I thought it would be best to start with him.
And lucky I did, because Todd created a whole "tracking system" and everything for the experiment. I'm sure it took him a few hours to do.
Isn't that thoughtful?
(And yes, I sent him bread, too. ABCs of me, baby.)
Example #6
This is Tyler from Extreme Coupon-ing. Maybe he looks familiar? His show is on TLC.
Well, a few days ago Tyler sent me a tweet to say that he was a Survivor fan (and a Dawn fan--tee hee).
To which I replied, "Do you have any coupons for YooHoo! chocolate drink?"
To which he replied, "No."
BUT, he did exchange a few more really kind tweets.
In one, he told me how funny he thought it was that we both ran "Mommy Blogs."
Isn't that SO funny? (He has a couponing blog: http://thecollegecouponer.com/--read primarily by moms!)
I'm sure I'll be sending him bread soon. Ha ha ha.
PS: I'm looking forward to meeting him in April at a charity event we will both be at. Yay.
PPS: I know this reads like an add for Twitter. It's not though. Twitter doesn't know me, my blog ... or that I'm on Twitter. LOL! But, I do like Twitter. And if you'd like to follow me, I'm @meehand