These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things ... This Week

When I was in third grade, I was Marta in our local high school's production of The Sound of Music.

I know--first Scat Cat, then high school musicals? Tell me I wasn't born for reality TV? (See 1/18/2012 post for Scat Cat reference.)

Anyway, ever since that musical debut, I've heard Julie Andrews singing, "My Favorite Things," in my head at least 3-4 times a week.

And I'm so-not joking.

So, a few years ago, I started rewriting the song to include MY favorite things. (Because, I  don't even know what schnitzel with noodles looks like. And I sure as heck would never include "doorbells" on my list of faves.)

So, my point.

I started rewriting the song to include My Favorite Things. 

But the list got too long; I have a lot more favorites than Maria apparently.

So, from time-to-time I just sit down and list those favorites here.

And with that unnecessarily long introduction, here are some of My Favorite Things This Week:

1. The raspberry man my daughter made.

2. This photo our son took of a beautiful day in Utah.

3. Watching our girls play churchball. (And score!)

4. Nutella Cream Pie (made by our daughter).

5. Cinnamon Banana Bread--from Brian Scully.

6. Target "slippers" made by our youngest daughters (After I told them "you don't need slippers." I'm sure they're going to need therapy, "So, we made our own slippers, out of sacks.")

7. Learning that the waffle iron cooks so much more than waffles.

8. This idea from another blogger, to encourage you to do Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK). She even created the calling cards--see here:

9. This article from Maria Schriver about mental toughness:


Have a beautiful weekend! 

I'll be posting The Recipe of the Week tomorrow. 

This one's in honor of Sophie.

Oh! And don't forget--leave a comment and enter to win a heart-shaped waffle iron. 
(Ends Jan 31.)

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