Survivor Q & A: Part 5 (It's Kinda Long)
I mentioned yesterday, but I'm in the process of creating a Survivor tab on the homepage of my blog--so that I can organize all of the Survivor-related content in one place. That should be ready to go "live" on January 1st.
So ...
in the meantime, I'm going to post Survivor Q & As on the main page.
If you're Survivor-ed Out ... apologies. I promise life won't always be Survivor, Samoa, and my stripey socks. (Though I should mention, I've purchased about 10 pair of stripey socks--all different colors--as a reminder of my time on the island and in the game. Funny how happy a pair of $3.00 Target socks can make you.
Survivor Q & A
(Sidenote: The entire cast signs a pretty involved non-disclosure agreement, so there are certain questions we aren't able to respond to--even when the game is over/not airing. So, if I don't respond, please know, it's probably just a question I am unable to answer due to my contract with CBS.)
If you are voted out of the game early, do you get to go home?
No. Everyone is "away from civilization" and any contact with family (email, computer, phone, letters) for a set period of time--regardless of when you leave the game.
I'm sure that amount of time varies from season to season; in our case, it was nearly the whole summer. This ensures the integrity of the game--because then family members/friends aren't able to calculate how long you remained in the game based on how long you were away.
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Christine, Stacey, and Papa Bear ... after they exited the game. |
How were you cast on the show? How long did it take to finally "know" you were on? How much warning did you have before you left? Did you know where you were going?
There's very little I can share regarding the casting process because it's confidential and somewhat unique to each applicant. But, here's what I am able to share:
I went to an open casting call in Utah a little over ten years ago. At that casting call, I filmed a 2 minute intro to myself, and went home. Casting called me back about a month later, and from that point I received 2-3 more phone and in-person interviews--all in Utah.
At the end of the process, the casting associate told me I wasn't moving forward for that season's cast, but "to definitely try out again."
And over the course of the next 10 years, I did just that.
In all, I think I went through the casting process 3-4 more times.
And ...
in 2010, I was cast for Survivor Nicaragua, but then cut from the cast a few weeks before departure. (Which was difficult. Oh my, it was difficult.)
The reason for my "cut" from Nicaragua wasn't so much "hay, we changed our minds and don't like you," but really that I was too similar to another cast member (Holly Hoffman).
So, my point.
Casting did tell me to consider reapplying the following season.
And so I did. (And I mentioned, I used this 10 month period to train like crazy for the game.)
And then I was cast for Survivor South Pacific. (Yay times infinity.)
(Though I will say this, I never ever felt "locked." I always assumed that the cast was fluid and could be changed at any time. Even when I was getting on the flight to leave for the game, I was prepared for them to make a change. LOL.)
PS: If you're a fan of the game/show, you would be so impressed with the application, audition, casting, and screening processes for applicants. Production goes to incredible lengths to vet the cast. It's nothing short of amazing. (I felt like I was running for public office for sure.)
PPS: I think most of the South Pacific cast members have explained their casting process during interviews, so you can probably find them online (, EW with Dalton Ross, and XFinity with Gordon Holmes, TV Guide, etc.).
I think once you read about their experiences, you'll see, some people were cast from the Sears Contest, some were recruited after a casting associate found them, and some were traditional applicants like myself. (And during our season, honestly, most of us were traditional applicants--Sophie, Rick, Jim, ME, Cochran, Papa Bear, Christine, Stacey....)
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Savaii Camp. Keith starting a fire. (C) CBS, Monty Brinton, 2011. |
Do you keep in contact with the cast members?
Yes. 8)
You develop such a bond through the experience of playing the game, and I care deeply for the people I played with. (Even the ones who voted me out OR made me cry. LOL!)
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Me and Ozzy after the Live Reunion show. |
Are you always this saccharin-y sweet?
Okay, this question cracked me up.
I guess if you watch Survivor and/or look through my blog, I am a bit of a Pollyanna.
But ... Pollyanna's philosophy/point of view changed things. (PS: I mentioned this in my pre-game interview on
And I really believe life is about being grateful and SEEING the good--even when there's BAD in the frame/picture. So, as I live my life or write each post, I intentionally try to identify the good--because that's my goal in life:
to live in a way where I naturally see the good before I see the bad.
Sorry if that seems annoying. I don't think my perspective comes from a place of being naive or oblivious, it really does come from a deep-seated goal/belief that the world (my world) should be centered on the positive.
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Okay, I know I've posted this before, but it just cracks me up. Survivor Fan PhotoChop. (Thank you.) |
What's next for you?
My main goal is to keep the Survivor experience close to my heart and continue challenging myself in all that I do. (That includes helping our kiddos set and tackle their own big challenges.)
Other than that, I am going to continue teaching English at BYU (Go Cougs) and ...
Dun dun dun dun ...
begin doing some motivational speaking around the US.
(It seems so silly to write that, but it's true. Me--motivating people. Eeek. But, that's always been a goal of mine--and one thing Survivor taught me is don't be afraid to say your goals/dreams out loud.)
PS: I will post a schedule here once dates are confirmed. Ozzy and some other "not currently named" cast members are going to join me for a few dates. Woo hoo.
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Me, getting HDTV hair and makeup before the Finale'. I wonder if "real life" qualifies as HD? If so, I'm wearing my false eyelashes everywhere I go. I loved those things! |
Thanks you so much for all of the kind mail, email, comments, and tweets. I love reading them (and I do read them all). I'm trying my best to respond to each one, but it may take me a bit.
(I have about 400 to respond to right now.)
(Oh, and did I mention--no personal assistant. Ha ha ha.)