2011 Year In Review
Friday Night Pizza and Movie With Friends, June 2011. (While mom was in Samoa) Each night at the dinner table we play a game called "High/Low." (I think I learned about it from a movie about 15 years ago, and we've been doing it ever since.) It's really simple, each person just shares one "High" (good thing) from the day and one "Low" (not-so-good thing from the day). And that's it. I think there are about 2.7 million reasons I love "High/Low." But the main reason I love it, is that i t helps us know what's going on with everyone in the family (and helps us know where people need support, sympathy, congratulations, etc.). But I also like "High/Low" because it reminds me/us: 1. That you aren't alone. You share your life with lots of people--and your life matters to a lot of people (your family, for one). 2. That life is filled with BOTH highs and lows. No matter who you are, life is going to ...