Red v. Blue

BYU, Provo, Utah.

Today is a big day for college football . . . especially in Utah.

Brigham Young University (BYU) is playing homestate rivals, University of Utah (U of U).

I love BYU, but a lot of my friends are major U of U fans.

It's kind of funny when you think about it:

how many different TRIBES we form in real life.

On Survivor, the tribes were Savaii and Upolu.

In my "real" life it's BYU and the U of U.

Which makes me wonder, how important are our tribe assignments?

And is our placement on one tribe or another is sometimes random/arbitrary?

Because when it comes right down to it,
we humans are all pretty similar.

Well, at least more similar than we are different.


SIDENOTE: I realize I sound like I'm 80 AND a LifeCoach with this post. Sorry! (But if you've read this blog before, you know that I always sound this way. Those are the ABCs of me, baby. It's some kinda existential thing I was born with. Ask my parents. Anyway, I'm not saying YOU need to learn this lesson, it's just something I'm thinkin' about.

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