A Life Worth Living

"Struggling and suffering are the essence of a life worth living. If you're not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you're not demanding more from yourself - expanding and learning as you go - you're choosing a numb existence. You're denying yourself an extraordinary trip."

This summer our oldest two bambinos, Jay and Bam, were able to be part of a church activity called Trek--the re-enactment of the crossing of the plains by the early Mormon settlers.

Trek is a pretty all-encompassing experience. It's physically, mentally, spriritually, and emotionally challenging.

It requires you to literally DIG DEEP and see what you are made of.

And in my mind, it's hard to believe that teenagers (and their incredibly SELFLESS leaders) would take a week out of the summer vacation to participate in this really REALLY challenging event.

They walk for miles and miles in the hot burning sun--pulling old-fashioned wooden, HEAVY, handcarts--wearing pioneer clothing (dresses, bloomers, bonnets, suspenders, hats).

Then they stop and play pioneer games, eat pioneer food, and get a little rest and relaxation.

And then . . .

they walk,

and walk,

and walk,

and walk,

for days.

It's phenomenal.

BUT, it's worth it. Because struggle and suffering give life a purpose and a depth that you just can't get through any other experience.

I really believe that.

I'm so thankful that Jay and Bam got to participate in Trek. And I'm even more proud that they suffered through something difficult (Bam's blisters were Guiness Record Book worthy) and came out the other side.

Jay and Bam, I'm so grateful to share this life journey with you both. I love you!

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