Do You Need More Quiet? (Yes)

This spring/summer, I took a vacation--all by myself--for the first time in my life.

And during that time, I had a lot of, well, quiet TIME. (LOL!)

I had time to think. Time to listen. Time to work. Time to play. Time to sleep. Time to pray and meditate. Time to laugh. (Even time to cry.)

Basically, I had time to just BE.

And you know what I learned?

I learned that "we" (translation: me--and most people I know) don't have near enough quiet time in our busy modern lives. We fill absolutely every minute of our lives with noise--activities, phone calls, texts, television, movies, the internet, music, busy-ness, discussion . . . and more.

Our lives are so noisy.

And I think that the quiet time I had on my vacation was actually a good thing.

A really good thing.

So much so, that I'm determined to build more quiet time into our family life. (How? By turning off the electronics and building in "quiet time" each day.)

Do you think you need more quiet time
in your life?

If so, try building some quiet time into your day today. Even if you start small, I promise you will love it!

(PS: I set a timer--or else I find 2.7 million other things to interrupt the quiet.)

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