On Deck This Week: Mother's Day, Laundry With Friends, and Guacamole--Ole!

I am SO glad it's May--that means we are one day closer to some extended SUNSHINE!

(I'm sorry to be a broken record about the weather here, but this winter in Utah has been HOR-I-BLE, in my opinion. Grey. Grey. Grey. Oh, and cold. Which is great if you are an author working on a Sherlock Holmes novel. But, I'm not.)

Anyhow, this week is already filling with sunshine! (Literally and metaphorically.)

-- Mother's Day is this coming week!
(And in addition to having great moms, Dave-man and I "have" 5 AH-MAH-ZING birthmoms who have brought 6 AH-MAH-ZING bambinos into our lives. So we have a lot to be thankful for this week.)

-- My friend Janeil offered to let me use her washing machine!
(How nice is that? So nice. And did I mention that I didn't even have to ask? She just offered!! Thank you Janeil!! Like I said, "100s of bread loaves coming your way.")

-- Cinco de Mayo is Thursday!
(Viva la raza . . . and viva guacamole! Woo hoo!)

and . . .

-- We are loving our new home, Gnomey.
(Granted, I'd find a way to love living in a tuna can . . . BUT, truly, we are loving the changes that have come with our new home/move. I'm working on a post about this, but in the meantime, can I just say this:


I feel like the move has given us a new perspective. New eyes (so-to-speak).

And I'm just soooooo excited by that. (Oh, and the prospect of clean underwear. Sa-weet!)

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