Keep Smiling
No matter what struggle you are facing today, you can find peace if you try to SEE and FOCUS on the good all around you.
How do I know?
Beause every person in my life is facing some kind of struggle.
Every. Person. (And I include myself in that group.)
But you know what?
They are facing those struggles AND still smiling.
How is that possible?
Well, I think it's because they know that the struggles are just part of life.
Not all of it. Just part of it.
We are here to live and love and grow. And that sometimes requires struggle.
And while I know this isn't news to anyone reading, I wanted to just remind myself today . . .
struggles are part of life.
And the way we endure them,
and triumph over them,
is by focusing on the GOOD amidst the struggle.
Because the GOOD is always there.