I Learned to Make Yogurt
When my friend Rebecca told me she made yogurt this past summer, I was honestly in shock. I had never heard of such a thing.
Make your own yogurt?
What's next? Get a cow and make my own cheese?
It sounded so 1800s to me.
BUT, 6 months later, as I was checking out my new favorite blog (the slow cooker recipe one), I came across a recipe for making yogurt using the CrockPot, and it looked pretty simple, so I decided to try it.
And you know what?
It was so easy! I'm seriously in disbelief. The process takes overnight (or a good block of time), but it is so worth it. I'm not sure I will ever buy yogurt at the store again.
Here are the reasons why I like the homemade yogurt:
1. It's easy to make with the CrockPot. Like, so easy a kid could do it.
2. It's inexpensive. You can make about 6 cups of yogurt for less than the price of a gallon of milk.
3. You can make any kind of yogurt you like--fat-free, 1%, 2%, whole milk, Greek-style, flavored, plain, with fruit, without fruit. It's like making your own ice cream, so many ways to flavor.
4. It was so good! (7 of the 8 people in our family gave the homemade yogurt 5 out of 5 stars. Dave didn't try it. He's not a dairy fan. Well, unless it's ice cream. Otherwise, not a dairy fan.)
SO . . . if you are looking to channel Laura Ingalls (*Little House on the Prarie), I say,