Christmas 2010: Part 2

We had a really good Christmas day.

For the first time in a long time, we didn't have to be anywhere. (I'm not complainin', but it's been a crazy semester with school/work for us.)

So, we were HAPPY to have Christmas day be a time to just be. (Be together. Be silly. Be lazy. Be happy. And time to be grateful.)

Dave and the kids decorated our tree this year--as a surprise.
It was my favorite tree yet.
The kids picked out red glittery shatterproof ornaments (which Jonah tested everyday before Christmas) and silver garland for the tree. It was all so shiny and sparkly.
And I love shiny and sparkly.
(Thanks Dave and kids.)

Best gift of the holiday: a $3.99 checker set from Harmon's. We have played non-stop.
We're like the Bobby Fischer family of checkers.
This is why you have kids--they get so dang excited (the dog, too, apparently).


ZuZu, Harriet-the-dog, and Jr. on Christmas Eve.
(With 6 kids, it's a little much for the siblings to buy gifts for each other.
So, we do a sibling gift exchange where they draw names. Each kiddo has one sibling to buy for. It's great! Then, they exchange those gifts on Christmas Eve--with their Christmas PJ gift. So to recap: 2 presents on Christmas Eve . . . the rest Christmas morning.

LuLu bought for Papaya this year (that big Teddy Bear).

Papaya bought for LuLu.

We tracked Santa on Christmas Eve (yes, this is a canned shot).

Our friend made these cookies. Martha Stewart would have cried. See the icing/glue on those buttons! Who does that?

Dave asked for a blanket this year. LOL. That makes me laugh just writing it. Anyway, Jay wrapped it in 12 boxes. I like that about kids--the wrapping is a big part of the gift.

Papaya, ZuZu, and Dave. (And Harriet.)

Oz-dog: most faithful friend to man (and WOman).

Jay--who turns 16 soon.

ZuZu asked Santa for a dog. Thankfully, Santa knew we had 2 already.

Gma Mary sent semi-automatic Nerf guns. Holy cow. Can you say "100 darts."

Cam got a Snuggie. Snuggies just say "Christmas in suburbia" to me.

LuLu. She's a fast unwrapper.

So is her hermano.

See those tan ankles? Mine. (I'm showing off my new tennis shoes.
(This is no joke: I had my other pair since Jonah was 2. For real.
So, either I never used them OR I take way good care of my things. LOL!)

Another speedy unwrapper.

I also got this AWESOME scarf I'd wanted. It has a hood and pockets.

ZuZu wanted new boots.

Woo hoo--she got them.

Jr opens his semi-automatic Nerf from Gma Mary.



ZuZu's favorite activity: puzzles, drawing, etc. This book has 200 pages of them. Woo hoo!

Man's best friend again.

LuLu's dog from Santa.

Cam-Cam (Who I may start calling Bam-Bam.)

Bam-Bam and her new jacket.

Harriet won't leave Oz-dog alone. She bugs the garbage out of him. But, he still puts up with her.
There's an analogy there somewhere.

Everyone needs a garden gnome (mine keep getting "borrowed").

This hamster repeats what you say--in his own voice.
Currently, Jonah has him saying, "Do the ROAR."



Sorry I keep posting photos of you in aprons, Dave. It just cracks me up for some reason.
But seriously, thank you for making Christmas Dinner. It was great!

Christmas Dinner 2010.
(Made by dad: roast beast, green beans, yorkshire pudding, and pie.)

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